Welcome to "Cateyes" Homepage
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Welcome To Cateyes Homepage!
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September 5, 2000 Made for viewing with Netscapes Browser

Welcome to my home on the net.....
My name is Angie I'm 34, as of 01/19/00 and live in
N.Western Pennsylvania (Warren County),
With my daughter Candie (age 13).

My interest are:

Updating my homepage (love it), Playing slow
pitch softball (but thinking on retiring for
the third time, to much wear and tear on the joints),
Drawing, Painting, Woodburning, MLB, NFL,
and Animals. I like to Lift, Bike, Rollerblade,
and rideing
Well have fun on my pages and Thanks for droping in,
Take Care.....Ciao!

This is why I go by "Cateyes"!!

This would be me..and my almost 14 year old daughter
( summer 2000)!

My other personal pages below.

Angie's Pic Page!
Cateyes Page of "Big Cats"
Little humor with Maxine (cartoon)
Dedication to my Grandmother
Tribute To My Brother
My Original Art
Daughter: Candie's Page
Link Page

This Warrennet site
is owned by
Angie aka: Cateyes.

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SIGN HERE!!! (please?) Guestbook by
GuestWorld View People's Comments
* For those of you whom signed my
guest book... I " Thank you very much "
and appreciate the great comments. I was
going to give up on my page because of lack of
interest from others... till I viewed my guest book
just recently and was pleased to see that
people were enjoying the site! Again THANKS!
I will continue my efforts.
If linking to my page, please use banner below. Thanks!

Right click on banner then click "save as"
to save on your own computer or floppy.