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    Welcome to the Buff World Order home page. Here is where you may find information on how to join the clan or just look around to get some downloads or something. Right now the page is under very heavy construction for a rebuild of the old because the older version of the page was getting pretty crappie. So we will be working allot on getting the page redone and getting new members in the clan. For now we will be working hard on getting the page up and going and we are looking fore new members so email us if you would like to tryout.  
 Date: 4-12-99
  The page is slowly coming along the message board is now up and running so feel free to leave us a little message asking us about the clan or just saying hello. The chat room is giving us some trouble so it is not up at this time sorry i will work on that asap thanks and come again. 
 Date: 4-5-99 
  Well the chat room is up an running so feel free to go on in and chat with other web pages that are logged on under the same server.  We hope to have the registration page up and running next for anyone that wants to join up with the Buff World Order. Thanks and come back soon for updates on the latest stuff. 
 Date: 4-3-99 
  We have started to rebuild the page and make it better than it was. We had lots of  problems for some reason so we are getting a new setup instead of frames. So we will be working hard to get it done and get new area such as downloads and stuff like that.