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My 2001 Travels


My 2001 travels were a bit limited countrywise. Other than Poland, I only visited three countries.


The year started off with a trip to Vilnius, Lithuania. I didn’t know a lot about it, except that it was only a 6-˝ hour bus ride from Mragowo, Poland (where I was living). However, I had read reviews about it from other travellers and decided to go. It turned out to be a great trip, and I love Vilnius.


In June, I started my summer travels off by going to Krakow. It always has been and always will be one of my favourite cities in the world. I hung out, attended the Street Theatre Festival and had a good time.


At the beginning of July, I flew from Warsaw to Málaga, Spain to begin a month in Spain and Morocco. I spent time in Sevilla, Cadiz and Algeciras, Spain, as well as Tangier, Tetouan, Chefchaouen, Fes, Marrakesh and El-Jadida Morocco. It was my first visit to Africa and I was very excited about it.


In August, I flew back to Warsaw, spent a weekend there, and then caught a flight to the USA for a month. I spent time in the Pocono Mountains, Philadelphia and made a day trip to NYC. I returned to Poland on 6 September.