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The weather - El tiempo In English and Spanish

Talking about the weather:
The first thing you notice when talking about the weather in Spanish is the use of "hace" and "hay" whereas in English we use "to be"
EG: It is sunny = Hace sol (literally it makes sun)
It is hot = Hace calor
It is stormy- Hay tormenta

¿Qué tiempo hace?



the weather is good hace buen tiempo
the weather is bad in the weather hace mal tiempo
it's cold hace frío
it's hot hace calor
it's windy hace aire/hace viento
it's sunny hace sol
it's raining está lloviendo/llueve
it's snowing está nevando/nieva
it's cloudy está nublado/está nuboso
it's stormy hay tormenta
it's foggy hay niebla

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