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Barb's Desert Oasis


My name is Barb. Welcome to my Oasis.

We live in the southeast desert region of Arizona.
As it is rare to find native Arizonians we are no exception. We are transplanted Nutmeggers.
We moved to Arizona in 1968 for my husband's health.
He has Rheumatoid Arthrits, and the dry desert air has helped him immensely.

Included in our household are 5 cats,8 tropical fish and 1 ferret.

I got my webtv in August,1998,manily to find out what all those www's,I was seeing on TV, were all about.
To my surprise, I found there was more to it then what I was seeing on the tube.
I have found many new friends in newsgroups, My favorites are:

alt.disc uss.thespot
alt. scopes

Also found many wonderful Homepages, too numerous to mention
Besides WWW my interests include many crafts, some of which are,crocheting,plastic craft,knitting,ceramics, leatherworking and rubberstamping.I am now in the process of learning calligraphy.

I would like to thank all of those who have made pages pertaining to HTML. Without these pages to learn from, this page wouldn't have been possible.


I would especially like to thank Sue and Bundle who made my audioscope banners. Thank You
Please check out my audioscopes while you are here.

Please come back and visit me soon.

My Audioscopes
My SpirtGarden
Christmas 1999
Easter Bunny's Oasis

Thank you for visiting my Oasis. Please sign my guest book before you leave

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