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okEy tHIS PaGE WiLL Be ConSTAntLY UnDEr ConSTruCTiOn sO u HaVe TO CoME baCk To ChECk IT EvEry CouPLe OF MonTHs. K? HoWdy...I JUsT WAnnA SAy THAt IF ANYOnE WOuLD LIKe TO EmAIl ME THAT WouLD BE aLl RiTe....U caN SenD Me SuM cOOl STuFF AND MAyBE SUM PIxS...ThAnK U.....

Hi To EVEryBoDy...I jUSt WANt To AsK A FeW FAvORs...CAn U PLeASe pleASe PLeAse SIgn My GuESTBOoK????AnD PleASE ClICk THe AD...PlEAsE...PleASe...ThAnX SoOOOOooO MUch...

Hi EvERYone OutHerE... loSThiS Is mY FirST PaGE anD It wiLL SucK CauSe I wAs DumB And UseD AngELFirE... ThIs PAgE is ReaLly Goin tO bE JacKED uP sO Don'T e-MAiL Me SayiNg tHAt ThiS pAgE sucKEd....k??? AnYwayz forGeT WhAt I juST wROTe BeCausE I WaNt u TO e-MAIl Me AnD tElL Me WhAT u tHouGHT oF THis PaGE...O...AnD Don'T FoRgEt To SiGn My GUEsTBooK... U HaVE To...Puh LEAse. ..HerE We Go An AwKward SilEnCE...HEHeheHE...Don'T ForgET to GO And TaKE A LOOk AT tHE LUv PAge Its ReALLy SwEeT...Of CouRSE EvEryONe HAS SeEn It AlReAdy... o anD If AnyOnE HAs Any MiDis ThEy Don'T WaNT PlEAse SenD it To ME...PReTTy PleASE...RiGht NoW U ArE HeARIng Az YeT...I KnoW ITs realLY OlD BuT StIlL IT's LiKe OnE OF MY FAVoRiTES AnD I CoUlDn'T FiND AnY BEtTEr OnEs SO... IF It StaRtS to GEt AnnoyING JuST PRESs Stop...k???

ABC's of Friendship
A Friend...
Accepts you as you are
Believes in "you"
Calls you just to say "Hi"
Doesn't give up on you
Envisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts)
Forgives your mistakes
Gives unconditionally
Helps you
Invites you over
Just because
Keeps you close at heart
Loves you for who you are
Makes a difference in your life
Never judges
Offers support
Picks you up when you are down
Quiets your fears
Raises your spirits
Says nice things about you
Tells you the truth when you need to hear it
Understands you
Values you
Walks beside you
Yells when you won't listen
Zaps you back to reality

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U HaVE TO EmAIl Me AnD TelL me WhaT u ThoUGht OF ThiS pAGe. K? ThanX FoR cOMMing

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U HavE to GO anD SiGn My GueStBooK. PLeAsE??????


HeY U ALl MiGhTY WeB MASTerS....

U WAnNA Get 20 CenTS PEr ClICk On A BAnNER?????

WeLL ClICk HERe!!!!!