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Welcome To Heaven

Well I think I need to talk about my buds from the crazy room. (Howdy you crazy people)OK lets see who will be first.I think it will be,

Beckey.The one person who really understand that life really does suck sometimes.(you know what I mean).I hope everything works out for you.

Ok next.Tigress aka Stanky Moldy Jello (LOL)you crazy crazy girl you, one day we will go watch a taping of the Jerry Springer Show.(but i have to have my walker ok)LOL.And you can't kick it out from under me or i will fall. You'll never get a novel.Muahuahahaha.(LOL)

Now for that sweet guy I met when I first came online, Moparman. Grab him girls, he's soft,cuddly,sweet, and a darn good hugger. Hun I wish you all the luck in the world. And when you become Mickey you have to tell me. I will have the pager ready (LOL)Love ya sweety.

Ink, hey what ever happened to your blot? I miss it and the mess you always left in the room.(HEHE)The same goes for you sweety,I hope you get everything in the world you have every dreamed of. Don't let the moment pass you by,grab on and ride life. It's all great.

Darkie, what do i say about you? I love the fact that you like Manson and don't care who likes it and who doesnt. You are great.I enjoy talking with you very much.Keep up the singing.(LOL)

Poetry, the true poet of the room, i enjoy poetry very much and you seem to understand the meaning of a true poet. I will be watching your page to see more poetry on there. So hurry up.

Hootchi, girl you give a whole new meaning to crazy, but I guess thats why we love you so much. Keep up the maddness.

Skippy, how many people are you married to?(LOL) I don't get to talk to you much, but you seem pretty cool.I think we all are a little crazy and that's why we all get along. Oh and for that real hubby of your (Apo) get to work man, buy her a bigger screen.LOL

Kells, I don't see you or talk to you much, but you must be cool everyone seems to love ya.

Law-Val-Lee,girl you are great and I wish you all the luck and happiness in the world.You are a great person and i truely enjoy chatting with you, and one day I will make it to N.Y. to visit you.So keep me a room ready(it might be tomorrow lol).

Joe De Caprio, the only person I now that looks sexy in a kilt.(WWWWOOOOOHHHOOOOOOOOO)You go.

Rj, my knight in shining armour, thanks for all the help with those crazy perverts that are always after me.(I wonder why they always choose me).

Ok now I have to mention another very special person.I think we all know him as Feral-Dingo-Puppy,and yes we all know what he looks like.(YUMMIE)But for those of you who don't know , he is a very smart person and not all just looks.(but hey I don't mind looking LOL)Feral hun I would like to thank you for all the nice chats we have had, you really know how to make a person smile.You are a very special person, never lose that quality it makes you who you are.Hugs and Kisses to you hun.

Archie, Archie, hummm what to say about the pink man? I am glad i got to become friends with you, you and Ink make me laugh. I really hope it works out for the two of you. You two seem to have something people only dream about. Keep that safe and close to you and never ever let it go.I'm glad you made host, you will be very good at it. I only say that because you babble all the time.(LOL)Ok enough picking on you.I'll move on to pick on my next victim.

YAYAYAYAYA Fuzz. See I got you here I just had to find the bear. Ok for you that dont know it, Fuzz sends me kisses everyday (yes be jealous) and lets me rub his head. He is my dear loved lampshade. And yes he is a sweety. One day you will leave Bama and come visit me, and i will be waiting. SMOOCHES

OK Billy you're next.I have to tell you people I gave Billy the wizard because he helps me figure things out, so I think he is a wizard. And Billy no matter what people say or do, you must believe in yourself and that you are a very special and gifted person. Live life the way you want and the people that don't like it I say thins to them, OHHHHHHHHHHHHH WELLLLLLLLLL. Thank you Billy for your help.

I know i have left some of you out, but i will get back here and finish this someday, just hang on and it will be finished (LOL). Just don't hold your breath.

Ok I have to give a special thanks to the one person that helped me get this stupid thing going. Thank you so much Timberwolf, you are a great help I could have never gotten this done without you. Keep up the smiles.

Now for the most important. There is one person that I need to thank more than anyone. That would be the man in my life. I have to say this to him. I Love You. You know who you are and for those of you who dont know him well you should talk to him sometime, he is great and I think you guys would like him as much as I do.

The song you hear is called The Italian Love song it was given to me by a very special person. Please enjoy it as much as I have,

This is the love of my life my little man. He is 4 yrs old now.
My Nephew

Well if you really wanna know more about me, you will have to go to part two.

See ya there.

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