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Bianca Jauri's Originals

Bianca Jauri
Sculptures & Dolls

I Started sculpting 25 years ago. I only had time to sculpt off and on, as I raised my two sons. I never had time to go to art school, but I just loved sculpting. I am self taught and have learned by the trial and error method. I feel that many artist who are trained, seem to copy the work of thier teacher. There is nothing harder to me than sculpting a human face. Thoses who are able to capture a portrait of someone, are the top sculptors in my book.

Each sculpture is an original work of art. I love working with clay and have done some drawing and painting, but I could tell that I was meant to sculpt. I hope you enjoy looking at my work . Thank you for dropping by.

Click on an image for full size view of each sculpture.

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"Billy Jo Huckabee"

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"Little Thunder Cloud"

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"Prudish Pristine"






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"Colors of the Wind"



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"Ellegance with Child "

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" Taya Cheyenne"

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"Original Sculptures"

Dolls Click Here!
"Original Dolls"

Mold Making
"Mold Making"

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"Composed Art"

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"Helping Hand"

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