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What is autism?

What exactly is autism?

Here is a basic explanation, but it's so much more than this, and each person with autism is completely different. To learn more, follow the autism links.

Autism is a severe, lifelong, pervasive developmental disorder
that usually appears in the first 30 months of life. People with
autism have serious problems with communication, social interaction
and behavior.

Autism is 3 or 4 times more common in boys than girls and is found
throughout the world in families of all racial, ethnic, social and
economic backgrounds. There is no known cure for autism, but research
continues into both the cause and treatment of this little-known disorder.

Some very helpful autism links to begin your journey:

Autism Information and Super Links
The #Autism Channel Home Page
Autism Mailing Lists, newsgroups, forums, msg boards, chat, etc.
People on ICQ with an interest in Autism
Autism Society of Ontario
Autism Society Ontario - London Chapter
Autism Society of Ontario, Sarnia-Lambton Chapter
A very special place to visit (one of our faves!) Windreach Farm
Oshawa/Clarington Association for Community Living
Geneva Centre For Autism
Anne MacLellan's Home Page (great autism links)
Autism Society of America
Multiple births and disabilities
Ability Online - putting kids with disabilities in touch with the world!
NAAR (National Alliance for Autism Research
Autism Resources near Toronto, Ontario
Ability Online
CAN (Cure Autism Now)
Is autism caused by vaccines??
Autism and sport
A really kewl sign language page (some autistic people communicate with sign language)
FEAT (Families for Early Autism Treatment)
Kerry's Place (Autism Services near Toronto, Ontario)
Parents of Two with Autism
An obscure chat-room
