My page!!!!! Hehehehe....
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Why have you come here?

Why is my page black? It is black in prayer for the students of Coulmbine. All of which are in my prayers and mediatations every night in hope that everyone is okay. Don't let your differences turn deadly. Love and hope and peace for



Most recent updates
My scriblings...
A Christmas Rant
My links page
A page all about me!
The Web Rings I'm in!
Goth Links
My Pick pic of the update!!
New Links!
My Fave Actresses!
Rants and Raves!
Fan Fiction!

These are a few of my favorite things....

Hello once again! :) Thank ya for coming by. I know, I havn't updated in a while...feel free to chastise as you see fit. :) I've been getting ready for my senior year...yay! :) Either way, please feel free to indulge in that which my bountiful page has to offer...and those that saw my page in the yearbook and decided to come here...congradulations, you have almost as much time to waste as I do.

Write me at: