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       Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner - Scott Cunningham

       The Truth About Witchcraft Today - Scott Cunningham
       To Ride a Silver Broomstick - Silver Ravenwolf
       Paganism Today - Graham Harvey and Charlotte Hardom
       The Rebirth of Witchcraft - Doreen Valiente
       21st Century Wicca - Jennifer Hunter
       The Harmonics of Wicca - Keith Morgan
       Lid Off the Cauldron - Patricia Crowther
       Real Magic - P.E.I. Bonewitz
       Witchcraft from the Inside - Raymond Buckland
       Magic in Theory and Practice - Aleister Crowley
       Moon Magic - Dion Fortune
       Creative Dreaming - Patricia Garfield
       Aradia, Gospel of the Witches - Carles Leland
       The Discovery of Witchcraft - Reginald Scott
       The Book of Shadows - Lady Sheba

        Moving On

       Wicca: The Old Religion in the New Age - Vivianne Crowley

       Spiral Dance - Starhawk
       The Sacred Marrage - Tira Silbury
       The Silver Wheel - Marguerite Elsbeth and Kenneth Johnson
       She Lives! - Judith Laura
       The Gentle Arts of Aquarian Magic - Marian Green
       The Rites of Odin - Ed Fitch
       Witchcraft for Tomorrow - Doreen Valiente
       Llewellyn's Witchcraft for Today, books 1 and 2 - Llewellyn


       The Witches Qabala - Ellen Cannon Reed

       Reincarnation and the Dark Goddess - Rae Beth
       Life Rites - Aeron Medbh-Mara
       The Flowering Rod - Kenny Klein
       King Warrior Magician Lover - Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette
       Handbook of Magic and Witchcraft - Charles W. Oliver
       Inside a Witches Coven - Edain McCoy
       Truth or Dare - Starhawk
       Her Blood is Gold - Lara Owen
       The Goddess - Caitlin Mathews
       Dreaming the Dark - Starhawk
       The Tree of Ecstacy - Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki


       Magical Herbalism - Scott Cunningham

       East Anglian Magick - Nigel Pennick
       Making Magick - Edain McCoy
       Natural Magic - Paddy Slade
       Natural Magic - Marian Green
       Practical Candleburining Rituals - Raymond Buckland
       The Magic in Food - Scott Cunningham
       The Pagan Book of Days - Nigel Pennick
       A History of Pagan Europe - Prudence Jones and Nigel Pennick
       The Ancient Religions of the British Isles - Ronald Hutton
       The European Witch-Craze - H.R. Trevor-Roper
       A Guide to Britian's Pagan Heritage - David Clarke
       Alchemy - Johannes Fabricus
       The Unauthorized Version - Robin Lane Fox
       The Dark World of Witches - Eric Maple


       High Magick's Aid - Gerald Gardner

       The Mists of Avalon - Marion Zimmer-Bradley
       The Goatfoot God - Dion Fortune
       The Sea Priestess - Dion Fortune

       Go to for these books at great prices.