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This is just one method you can use. Really, there is no set way of any ritual. Any way is right as long as it comes from the heart and is given with all of the soul.

Needed suplies

Alter materials

1 of each of the following colored candles - Red, Yellow, Green, Blue
4 insence sticks (and holders if you are inside)
Sea Salt

Set the yellow candle along with one of the insence sticks in the Eastern corner. Then move to the South, and around to the North putting the red in the South, blue in the East, and green in the North, along with incense in each corner. Stand in the Eastern corner witht he Athame in hand and raised to the sky. Say the following:

Hail Rafael, guardian of the East
Ruler of Air and of the sacred Athame.
I / we call upon thee to join me / us this night
For this sacred rite.

Move to the Southern corner with the Athame still in hand and raised to the sky. Say the following:

Hail Michael, guardian of the South
Ruler of Fire and of the sacred Wand
I / we call upon thee to join me / us this night
For this sacred rite

Now move into the Southern corner, Athame raised to the sky and say:

Hail Gabriel, guardian of the West
Ruler of Water and of the sacred Cup
I / we call upon thee to join me / us this night
For this sacred rite

Now move to the North, and as you've already guessed, raise the Athame and say the following:

Hail Uriel, guardian of the North
Ruler of Earth and of the sacred Pentacle
I / we call upon thee to join me / us this night
For this sacred rite

Place the Athame on the alter, pick up the water, salt and matches. Move to the Eastern corner, sprinkle a little salt and water in the corner and say:

By the powers of Earth and Water, I bless the East.

Now light the candle and incense in the Eastern corner and say:

By the powers of Fire and Air, I charge the East.

Now go around the circle in a clockwise motion and do the same for each corner. After you have reached the East again, move to stand in front of the Alter. Lift the Athame to the sky and say the following:

Gracious Goddess, Mother of all creation, Mother of the Earth and Sky,
Lady of the Moon, Lover of the Father God
I / we call upon thee to join me / us this night for this sacred rite.

Powerful God, Father of all creation, Father of the Earth and Sky,

Lord of the Sun, Lord of the hunt, Lover of the Mother Goddess
I / we call upon thee to join me / us this night for this sacred rite.

Now light your Alter candles and incense, lifting the Athame back up to the sky and say the following:

By the Power of the Mother Goddess and Father God
I / we declare this sacred circle open.
As is above

Lower the Athame to the ground:

So is below. So mote it be!