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Official PWOTW Artistic Expression
Disclosure Statement

Every day,
Right from the start,
I search for the connection between us
That allows us to communicate
When we don’t have time for contact with each other.
I check it to make sure you made it to your destination safely,
And that you’re well and as happy as you can be,
Under whatever circumstances surround you.
I offer my faith in you and the strength
Of unconditional love.
I hold you close,
Hoping to heal your pain and sorrow.
I tell you everything I feel for you,
Regardless of my ability to explain or comprehend,
And give you as much of me as our bond allows.
Throughout the day.

Every day,
I think back to the moments we’ve shared,
Both happy and sad,
Recalling so much of what we've said.
I call images of you to my memory,
Wishing the distance between us was shorter.

Every night, as I’m relaxing to sleep,
I cuddle myself into bed as if it were you,
And relive the moment we met.
The way that time stood still,
How there was no air, no sound,
Nothing else on earth seemed to exist
For the split second that felt like an eternity,
And my heart stopped beating
Only to begin again in your embrace.

And every night,
From the moment sleep's sweet oblivion claims me,
Until the alarm clock transports me back to reality,
I dare to dream with you...

- L.C., 2003