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An nWo Column from a bitchy woman's point of view!!!


Abuse of Power. That is what Ric Flair acused my man Eric Bischoff of a few months ago. Not only did he accuse him of it, he screamed it until he started sweating and falling over from shortness of breath. Abuse of Power. Now that Ric is "president," he has fixed it all and is completely different, right? Wrong.

Abuse of power. Gee, I dont remember anything really power abusive Eric Bischoff did. He sues Ric Flair for breach of contract. Flair missed a show, he pays for it. Wow, how ABUSIVE. Now, Ric Flair is making Eric set up the ring, sell popcorn, clean the toilets, and....(I cant bare to say it!!!)....SHAVED ERIC'S HEAD!!!! Boy, I wanted to break my damn television over Ric's head. Yet, Ric complained of abuse of power. Did Eric shave Ric's head? Did Eric make him clean toilets? Did Eric come right out and say "I'm going to make your life a living hell." Nope... Oh yeah, and since when is Ric Flab worthy of Hollywood's title? He automatically apoints himself the number one contender after beating Eric Bischoff? BULLSH*T!!!

Abuse of Power. The announcers sure do get mad when Eric or the nWo does something to cheat. They sure do get mad when the nWo punks someone. But, the UGLIEST BEING ON EARTH, David Flair, is allowed to hit my man in the face with quarters? Especially since Eric was BEATING his ASS. What did the announcers say? "You know what, why not?" WCW is as bad as the nWo at rulebreaking. Oh, and ref Randy Anderson is allowed to hand that to the kid, right? Well, wasnt that the same thing Nick Patrick did to get SUSPENDED in 1997? I think it was. Abuse of Power. Ric Flair, take your sweaty ramblings and stuff them up your ass!!! And do the same with your ugly son. Wait...better idea, why dont you both stick each other in your asses so we dont have to see either of you. And, while your down there, pull Tony and Mike's head out of your ass.

Other Ramblings...

Big Kev, stay funny, you crack me UP!!!

Buffy, you too, sweety.

Konnan, you still got one homegal on your side...

Raven, you are SO CUTE!!!

Eric, I know your worried about your hair, but dont be down, I still love you!!

Tony, is that your head or Ric Flair's ass?

Arn, do you serve a purpose at all?

Wah? No NBC Special?

Liz, glad you made it through the plastic surgery, now STAY AWAY FROM MY MAN, ERIC!!

Scott Steiner, I HATE YOU!!!!

Why was Larry Zbyszko born? One of God's mistakes, I guess, but---oh, thats right, God wasnt around when Larry was born.

I found out Larry's social security number: 2.

Well, thats it for now, queen-o-holics. Remember, be safe unless you hate the nWo. Then you can DIE for all I care.

Take care.

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