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mY favoritE peopLe iN wrEstlinG

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Here are my favorite people in wrestling today. Click below to see Brians and Jenny's(if you DARE) picks for their favs.

Eric Bischoff-I mean come on, if you like WCW, you have to like the guy that made it what it is today, right? Eric Bischoff is and always will be the most intelligent man in wrestling. He is the brains begind the nWo. He does what he wants, when he wants and doesnt give a sh*t what anybody thinks of him. Why? Because he is smart. I'll explain--when he was an announcer for WCW, what happened to him on a regular basis for showing loyalty towards WCW? I'll tell you: he got his ass beat. Every time, and I mean EVERY TIME that the outsiders and Vincent would come to the broadcast booth, who was left to represent WCW? Not Heenan. Not Tenay. It was Eric Bischoff, the only announcer who had the balls to stay and fight for his company. All of his so-called friends at WCW never came out to help him. Besides like 2 times, Eric was on his own. Flashback: The Great American Bash, 1996. Eric is alone to do an interview with Nash and Hall. Hall doesnt like what Eric says, so he nails him in the gut. And that big Kevin Nash powerbomb could have been prevented if someone would have run out right after the punch to the stomach. So WCW can stick it. Now that Bischoff is in the nWo, he has friends. That fight for him. Eric does whatever he wants because he can. Try stepping up to him'll likely be an nWo target for months.

Bret "Hitman" Hart-- Its all about values with the Hitman. He has family values. He has values and feelings. And he was crushed by the WCW fans not willing to accept him. After all, he wanted to do right. I see the Bret situation like this: he was an origional hero that lived in an anti-hero world. Everybody was changing with the time: Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, Ken Shamrock. But Bret Hart refused to change. He still stood for right and wrong, for values, for tradition. And he was booed mercilessly for it. For being a good guy. Bret Hart knew what right was, and he stood for it. He respected the fans that respected him. He was still booed. But he refused to change for anyone, he was still a hero. He didnt beat up helpless timekeepers and swear and curse. You know why the others did? Because its what the fans wanted. And they wanted to be cheered. Bret Hart didnt care, he wasnt going to set an example like that. Yet he was still booed. And look at him now: Bret Hart swears, Bret Hart cheats, Bret Hart beats on refferees. And every time he gets critisized for doing so, the critics need to realize that they made him this way. A guy can only take so much. Bret Hart realized it was hopeless, that one man cant change everything, because if he was going to get booed, he might as well give a reason for it. It can be said that the fans butchered the Hitman's origional character, and if they didnt boo him, he may still be representing all that was right. It can also be said that Bret Hart may be the only wrestler to take this bussiness seriously. Loyalty, right and wrong; namely tradition, used to mean everything to Bret. The fans booed him when he was good. Bret warned them. Now, I guess, we're seeing the end result.

Scott Hall- The man has overcome tremendous adversity. Hall is a genetic marvle. He is also one of the best wrestlers out there today. People curse him for being a jerk, loudmouth. Hey, why doesnt somebody try to stop him? Last personal feud he had was with Nash, and he beat Nash's ass for 12 minutes straight. Or what about the one with the bad ass, so called "Living Legend" Larry Zbyszko. For so long Larry talked about how he couldnt wait until he could shut Hall up, couldnt wait until he got him in the ring. Well, when the match finally came, Scott Hall left him laying unconsious. So much for Legend. Bottom line: Scott Hall is a person who talks a lot of talk, and then backs his words up. When Bischoff was a good guy, he was used to being the boss. He tried it with Hall and Scott punched him in the stomach as hard as he could. Hall isnt one for respecting authority. He came into WCW claiming to be sent on a mission from the WWF. He wasnt. And he knew it wasnt legal, but, he did it anyways. He is fearless. All he needs is to lay off the drugs and he will be that much better.

Buff Bagwell-This man is a riot. He is the future Hulk Hogan. He is paying his dues while he is young, and he has a great carreer ahead of him. He has THE best physic in wrestling. Yes, better than Scott Steiner's, better than Hogan's. Sure, the look more cut up, but they got it from a drug, not naturally. Buff did it on his own. He admitted to using steroids ONE TIME, which couldnt have done much. He has done it on his own. Hard work, and every time you get mad at him for posing, hell, if you had a body like him, you'd be proud of it too.And even after his neck injury, he still works out. All I am mad at is him being a Scott Steiner lackey. Sure, I want Buff in the nWo, but, isnt it Vincent's job to be the groupie? Buff is too good to be like that.

Hollywood Hogan- the Man is the true icon. The leader of the nWo, now and 4-ever. I dont care what anyone says, Hogan is the true icon. You cant knock him. No, he didnt make wrestling. But he is the biggest reason why it is what it is today. He is the origional icon, and so many people attack him just to get good pops. Well, they will never be Hulk Hogan. Hogan is above proffessional wrestling. Nuff said.

Kevin Nash- If Eric Bischoff and Kevin Nash ever lost their current jobs, they could easily be employed together as stand-up comics. These two are a freakin RIOT when together---the follow up each other's jokes. One of the best things about the origional nWo was when Eric and Kev used to take over the broadcast booth and joke about everybody. And Nash alone is hillarious. Here is his voice mail message:"Hi you've reached Kevin Nash's voice mail, uh, leave a message at the tone. When your done please hit the pound key, its the only way it will go through, so uh--I look forward to hearin from you all. Have a great day, you know I am, BY GOD. (And in a funny voice he says)Bye". There is a guy with a sence of humor. Now I know he is in the wolfpac, but, you just cant seem to not like him. If he was bad again, I would LOVE IT.

Here are a few others of my random favorites:Curt hennig, Rick Rude, Chris Jericho, The Giant, Glacier, Chavo Guerrero, Disco Inferno(He's growin on me), Mr. Wallstreet, BOBBY HEENAN, Elizabeth, Raven, Billy Kidman, Kanyon, Scotty Riggs, Charles Robinson and Billy Silverman, and Ralphus.

Jenny's Top Ten Favs, in order:
1-Bret Hart
4-Kevin Nash
5-Buff Bagwell
6-Eric Bischoff
7-Scott Hall
8-Chavo, Jr.
9-Chris Jericho
10-Rick Rude

Brian's Top Ten

(I'll have to call him But I know the first two are Eric and Bret)
