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Bret Hart- Bret Hart is undoubtadly the greatest athlete in proffessional wrestling today. You cant knock him. One thing that pisses me off is the fans that continualsy knock him and disrespect him. I hope those fans all die and rot in the firey ashes of HELL. Because look at all he has done for this bussiness. I mean come on, FIVE time world champion. He took on all comers and rose to the occassion. And he always kicked their assess. And he never lost a title unless there was cheating against him. And I wish Uncel Eric would give him a title shot. And why does Nash get to fight Goldberg? Bret deserves it more than Nash. He has held like 2 world titles. The only title Nash should be worthy of is the oh-my-God-he-drinx-a-lot-of-beer-and-got-a-huge-gut-title. Although I dont think Eazy-E and Vincent could withstand the compitition. Not to put Eric Bischoff on the same level as VINCENT, but, he has got a little gut. He wins the budweiser-drinker-guy championship. Anywayz, back to my other ramblings, Bret Hart is and always will be the best. Thats 2 sweeet.
Mr Bischoff-While on the subject of Eazy-E, he is the most intelligent promoter of all time, in Wrestling. And to all those people who say Bischoff gets too much mic time, that his mid-carders dont shine enough, GET THIS: ITS HIS SHOW, HE CAN DO WHATEVER HE WANTS!!! Thats like saying he cant do something he wants in his own house. And all those people who say that he's an egotistical maniac, if it werent for him, their hero Goldylox wouldnt be champion. Who do you think writez the storyline? Now that I've totally trashed on the fans, lets trash on Tony Schiavone. He's a hot-dog mowwing sow that trashes Eric behind his back, but never when he's around. He kissess up to him more that Heenan. And any man who has Elisabeth at his side, well, that says it all itself.
Vince McMahon- Here's a senile old clown that doesnt know how to run a nut-house, I mean, the WWF, yeah, I meant to say that. The last time anything around there resembled a good storyline, it turned out to be Sable's hand-painted tits. And even that slut has had her share of ugly dayz. And WHAT was UP with the Luna angle? No one wanted to see her naked. Let alone see her get her clothes ripped off in an EVENING GOWN MATCH! I wouldt be surpriesd if Vince McMahon orders Luna as his birthday stripper next month when he turns 478. He's so old, that toupe' even gets gray hair. It goes bald, too. Speaking of...
Vince McMahon's toupe'- It sux. You'd think a jillion dollar executive would have the greatest one in the world. But, he uh, he doesnt.
Vincent-WHAT has he EVER done for the nWo? This guy is FAT. Okay. Huge. I hear that they are still trying to think of a number high enough to count this guy's weight. Last I heard they had to go into letters. Some advice: LAY OFF THE TWINKIES AND BUDWEISER!!! This man has jobbed to Norman Smiley. When you lose to him, I think its time to realize that just because the nWo lets you stay to carry their trophies and titles, none of them will ever actually be yours. So Bite me.
Sunny- Boy, Did God ever give THIS chick a bod. Her quote is "What Sunny wants, Sunny gets." She wouldnt have to tell me twice. (Dominick breaks in: Count me in, too.) And WHAT was she doing hanging around with all those dorky losers in the WWF. The LOD??? The BodyDonnas? Holy SHIT, that's lame. I could really see Sunny and Bret Hart together. They always have had nothing but good things to say about each other. But, of course, I'd have to kill Bret. And I dont care what any1 sayz, Sunny is finer than Sable or Luna or Jaqueline ANYTIME. I know I think about Sunny in those special times. You know, when everyone thinx I'm asleep. And I reach down and...uh, sorry.
The Horseman- The four horseman, is it? Last count I had was 132. So the 132 horseman suck. And Ric Flair, where is he getting off coming into the arena when it is speccifically violation court orders. He may own Dunkin Donuts but he doesnt own WCW. Thank god. And the rest of the horseman are just history. Litterally.
Porno Movies- Well, these are like the greatest...(Dominick breaks in: Save it for another site)...Okay, okay.
ECW- It sux.

Well, I guess that's it for this months ramblingz. To e-mail me just send it to the address below in c/o me, the really perverted dude. Anyways, nWo 4 life and I'm outta here.

E-mail Brian

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