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The Sacred Scoop

(Wiley Arnett) as you may have noticed I have a new band! The Human Condition. We have completed our self titled depute EP
and it is available through our website at . I hope you will check it out and of course,
let me know what you think. . We are label shopping now and receiving positive feedback.

Greg Hall is jammin with a band called Core here in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona. He recorded a CD with another band
 called North Side Kings and even toured a little with that band opening up for Soul Fly in the U.S.

Phil Rind is enjoying his family and working as a manager at a successful restaurant in Phoenix. Paying off a new house
and taking quality time with his wife Sandy and kids Zach, Shane and Leo. Praise Buda!

Jason Rainey has been running sound at some local shows earning a great reputation as being one of the best soundmen in town.
He has also done some touring with the likes of Ozzy and Flotsam & Jetsam. The king of Bar Cord Acrobatics keepin it thick and heavy

Are you a Soul Fly Fan?

In early 2002 Max of "Soul Fly" decided to cover the song "One Nation" By Sacred Reich.
In Feb. Greg Hall (original =SR= drummer) and I (Wiley Arnett) were recruited to record One Nation for the new SF record.
Max does a great job revitalizing the song with dropped tuning and strong vocals! The record "Soul Fly 3" will release in
In April. 2002 If your a Sacred Fan You gota have this one!

You may also be interested to know that I have been working with a couple great writers / performers
on new music I am anxious to share. We have been patiently shaping the band and are near completion.
We have over a dozen songs and should be label shopping mid to late 2002. The name of the band is
the human condition

= Latest Recordings =

Are you a Soul Fly Fan?

In early 2002 Max of "Soul Fly" decided to cover the song "One Nation" By Sacred Reich.
In Feb. Greg Hall (original =SR= drummer) and I (Wiley Arnett) were recruited to record One Nation for the new SF record.
Max does a great job revitalizing the song with dropped tuning and strong vocals! The record "Soul Fly 3" will release in
In April. 2002 If your a Sacred Fan You gota have this one!

You may also be interested to know that I have been working with a couple great writers / performers
on new music I am anxious to share. We have been patiently shaping the band and are near completion.
We have over a dozen songs and should be label shopping mid to late 2002. The name of the band is
the human condition


Our last record titled "Still Ignorant 1987-1997" Available on Metalblade Records.
You can get info on how to get a copy at the
MetalBlade Records Website. Check it out!


I love the holidays! The band has been playing every other month or so at local metal club
The Jar. We are having a blast jamming and are really beginning to get excited about recording
a new record.


With "Still Ignorant" behind us we are focusing on our next studio record.. No date to tell of
but the writting started months ago. The ideas are fresh and heavy and should start coming
together in the next 4-6 months. We never did write records fast, and that has not changed. :-)

Greg rejoining the band has brought allot of memories of jamming out side of the lines for the
sheer brutality of it. Lyrics and ideas we can get pumped up about so there's never a fear of
loosing sincerity. We are not in a hurry to get on tour now as we are all enjoying our families
for the first time in over a decade. Just the same you should know we believe our best records
are ahead uf us. When there is more to say I'll say it here! =YOU= guys ROCK!

= Archives =

The past news is that we celebrated our 10th year of =SR= music with a pair of reunion show's. Phil, Jason and I were joined by our original drummer Greg for the two shows the 20th and 21st of Dec. 96. It was the first time we played with Greg in six years. We had a blast! For more info on the shows use this link
SACRED REUNION here you will find an image and more information about the shows.

Greg Hall is back in the band! We thank Chuck Fitzgerald for the great job on drums during the US and Europe "HEAL" tours in 96!! We played our largest show to date with him. 60,000 metal heads at the Dynamo Open Air Festival in Holland. Thanx Chuck!!

Greg Hall has been jammin with us full time and we are recording live shows the first two Thursdays of June, 97. "Still Ignorant" should be released in October of 97. The record represents 10 years of Sacred Reich and touches on the roots of the band as well as some newer stuff. We are also writing for the next studio record, we hope to be recording by the end of the year.

The recordings for the live record "Still Ignorant" are done. The record should be out mid November. It looks as if there will be fourteen songs representing 10 years of Sacred Reich!
The tapes sound great! We will finish mixing them the first week of August. Included in the art
work will be several old pictures as well as some never seen Stottler art. The cover image has been added to the Dicography page as well as a sound byte of "One Nation". Keep checking back for the Sacred Facts!!

Wiley Publishing 2005 // SACRED REICH 1986-2000 All Rights Reserved.