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usful codes If you know more Code or Secret, please send it to me.(it have to be for english pokemon.) When you send it, please always write Who found it(it is ok with nick a name.) How hard of easy The version it worked on. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Get Mew] By 11/27/98 You will have to have a friend with a Pokemon with strength and surf for this. Before you go to the S.S. Anne trade your friend for a Pokemon with strength and surf. Now go to the dock in front of the S.S. Anne and surf to the island in the middle of the water. Push the boulder away and there will be a MEW! Your Pokedex will be updated as well. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Free Pokeballs!!!! ] by Raichu 98 11/28/98 This works on both American versions. Go to a pokemart. Select buy. Choose pokeballs. Select 3. No money will be taken. Works till you have 99 pokeballs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Bring back memory] By 12/02/98 Ok you just might need this one!! Ok one time my frand gave me a code that erased my memory on my game and I was so angry!So I made up a code to try to erase his and I tride it to see if it said The file is distroyd and it brought back my memory!!!!!!So if one code erases your memory on your Pokémon game just put this code in: b123d7cf Notic:Do not just use memory erase on your gameshark to try this because it erases the whole ram! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Get infinite safiri zone time and balls and casino coins] By 11/29/98 It work on both versions To have infinite "Safari Zone" balls : 016447DA To have infinite "Safari Zone" time : 01f00ED7 To have infinite "Casino Coin" : 0199A4D5+ 0199A5D5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Pokémon Duplication] By PokemonMax 11/5/98 Work on both American Versions. Here is a trick to duplicate your pokemon. This works on the American versions. I will try to explain it as good as I can. For this trick to work, you need both games and two gameboys. Here is what you do: 1. Put the pokémon you want duplicated into one of the games. Either red or blue. Let's use red for an example. 2. Put a pokémon you don't mind losing in the other cartridge. Which is blue. 3. Go to the trade center and trade the pokémon you want duplicated (red) with the one you want to erase (blue). 4. After they are traded, leave the game (blue) on with the pokémon you erased and turn the game (red) off with the pokémon you wanted duplicated, before the "Trade Completed" sign appears, right after the "Waiting..." sign disappears. If you did the steps right, the game (red) with the pokémon you wanted duplicated should still be there and the one you erased on the other game (blue) should be the same as the one you traded. I tried to explain it as best as I could so don't get mad at me if you can't get it working. **Note: This might mess up your game, but I had no trouble with it. If anything happens to your game please do not put the blame on me. Report Aki>this is little bit dangerous. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Pokeball Secret] By Zabunny 11/2/98 Throw any kind of Pokeball (Greatball, Ultraball, or Pokeball), and after it is released from your hand, hold UP + B. The ball will act like a Masterball! I caught Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, and Snolax with this handy trick. It works, but takes a bit of practice to get right. The trick works on both versions. Report Mike Rafferty>You should put this under the Pokeball Secret Code that it works and Icaught MewTwo with it. But it doesn't work all the time. I wasted 4 UltraBalls untill I caught it. From Mike Rafferty Aki>It looks alike this doesnt work every time. I think thi just give you more chance of catching it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [missingo the fossil] By Greg Utz A.K.A Pokémon master 12/02/98 it took me awhile but..................0120D8CF is the code for missingo the fossil this is different cuz this missingo is a different kind -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [cut grasses] By Bobby Garis 10/14/98 works on all version. use cut on tall grass and it will be hacked a way .....this way if your pokemon are in really bad shape you dont have to fight anyone or pokemon -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Safari Pokemon at SEAFOAM ISLANDS] By Peace the Cheetah 11/6/98 I have a useful trick. This works with any area in the US version. I'll use the Safari Zone for example. Go into the Safari Zone and come out. Now go to the Pokemon Center in Fuschia City. Go straight down from it; you should come to some water that leads to Seafoam(Route 19&20). Go to the far left side of the coast and follow the wall down all the way to Seafoam Islands. DON'T GO IN SEAFOAM ISLANDS! Instead, go swim up and down the coastline where it looks like you are halfway on land and halfway on water. You should run into Safari Monsters after a couple of seconds. Now you can use Ultra Balls and other great items instead of Bait, Rocks, and Safari Balls. THIS WILL NOT MESS UP YOUR GAME. It has never messed any game up under any circumstances. I hope you like the code. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Safari Pokemon at SEAFOAM ISLANDS 2] By TaYMaN64 10/8/98 OK.This is for both versions: 1. Go to Safari Zone and then recive 30 safari balls. 2. Right when you enter the safari zone, leave. 3. The guy should say leaving early. Say yes. 4. Then after you leave safari zone go to the seafoam island. But dont go on the land. 5. Stay along the cost and just go up and down while still on your water pokemon that you ride on. 6. You should run into wild pokemon from safari zone. 7. And the good thing is you can use your own pokemon and Pokeballs( pokeball, greatball, ultraball) to caputre safari zone pokemon!! THATS IT... please post this in your codes section...Thanx :o) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [100 coins at gamecorner] By Ben 10/29/98 In the gamecorner there are three machines that you can't use. If you visit each one, from right to left, without going to any others, then go to the shelves in the upper right hand corner, and the third shelf from the left will have a 100 coins. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Get Three Starting pokemon..] By Marco Salazar10/11/98 YOU NEED! 1] Both versions 2] game link 3]The rest of the stuff to trade 1.First with red version start a game and choose Charmander. Then go to the fields capture 3 pokemon. 2.Now on blue version start and choose squirtle or bulbasaur. 3.Now trade what ever pokemon with one of three pokemon from the red version and keep on doing this until both packs have all three begining pokemon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [win at the game corner 95% of the time] By Patrick McCarthy 11/24/98 It is fairly easy to do. Works on both versions. I know a code that will make you win at the game corner 95% of the time. What you do is hold down start and select until you win. Then just hold down select and you win 95% of the time. NOTE: You never win the 100 or 300 coin jackpot but you do win the 8 and 15 coin jackpot. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Rods] By Virgro669 10/14/98 All version. It's not really a secret, but in Vermillion City there is a house with a man who will give you an old rod so you can fish. In Fuchsia city there's a man who will give you a good rod, and on the route south of Lavender town you will get a super rod, which pulls in Goldeen, Staryu, Horsea, and more.
