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GR8†GOD Ministries Homepage

Spreading the TRUTH and LOVE of Jesus Christ through the World Wide Web.<†><

3 Most Important Reasons for this HomePage.

Here is some links for you my Friends

Jesus is Majestic
A HIP page for the youth
Wild About Jesus
A great site on Salvation
What are you doing with time?
Awesome midi page
Blondies Sundrop
Jesus Loves You and Me
You CAN be healed !
Your Own Audio Online Bible
You will NEVER Walk alone
What Would Jesus Do ?
What I BELIEVE is to be the TRUE image of Jesus Christ , Our GOD.
Virtual Hell...Take the tour
Visual Reality..Can you see HIS image?
The Life Changer
The Easter Page
NEED PRAYER ? Click here.
HIS Guiding Hand

Come unto ME all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest for your souls

Thank you for visiting GR8†GOD Ministries Homepage here at Angelfire, I pray you have enjoyed your visit and I want to let you know ..this is not over yet is my first time in doing a homepage but the Lord has been tugging on my heart to do one so with HIS help we shall succeed ..for I can Not do this without HIM seems impossible to me but thank GOD with Jesus Christ ..even the toughest of jobs become the easiest . May you leave this site feeling the TRUE love of Jesus Christ my friend, and KNOW that NO matter what your going through in this life, there is a better one that awaits you ..and when you have Jesus abiding in you HE makes life seem so much more enjoyable for you, after will be seeing it through HIS eyes and through HIS joy and love . I hope you return soon my beloved friends for I will update this as I go . And right now I pray the Holy Spirit fills you with HIS unspeakable joy and the desire to KNOW and seek Jesus Christ more than ever for time has been cut short and there is about to happen upon this earth something the world has never known, and to be close to Jesus Christ during the upcoming Millenium is something to strive for. For when the world is in fear ..we who are in Christ Jesus stand in awe at what is another step toward seeing the kingdom of GOD. I pray for protection upon you and all your family and I ask the Lord right now to hold you tight in HIS never changing hands , and when the enemy trys to attack you be still my friend and KNOW that Jesus Christ is GOD and that HE has given YOU ALL authority to cast out demons and heal the sick and yes even raise the dead ..freely you have recieved my friends must freely give. And remember Jesus Loves you beyond measure...please feel free to email me at any time , I love you all so much with a pure love straight from the heart of Jesus Christ ... now go and be filled with HIS Holy Spirit in Jesus name . Have a Blessed day My beloved Friends, with eternal love ,

your sister in Christ , Trudy <†><

Blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear.

What I BELIEVE to be is the TRUE image of Jesus Christ as is seen on the Shroud Of Turin, HIS Burial Cloth...BEHOLD! The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Alpha and Omega the Beginning and the End ..the Prince of Peace..THIS is the TRUE GOD and Eternal Life ..(1John 5:20)

My beloved friends if you use AOL look for me under Blazen4JC2( I am only a AOL instant messenger user ) or if you are a ICQ user look for me under #21201696 , I would love to speak with you if I am online. Untill then God Bless you all in Jesus name and may HIS precious Holy Spirit guard you and protect you untill the day HE returns . Please take a moment my friend and sign the guestbook to let me know if there is any problems with the site , Thank you so much and God Bless you all in Jesus name.

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GR8†GOD Ministries
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