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Nutrition For Live International Distributor Agreement

Last Name _________________________ First Name _______________________ Initial ________

Address _________________________________ City _______________________ State _________ Zip ______

Telephone ________________________ Social Security Number _________________________

Name: PM Associates (David McMeen and Nolan Polson)
Address: 15024 S. 39th Place, Phoenix, AZ 85044
Telephone: (602) 759-1309 or (602) 821-4118 Distributor I.D. #: 55742

Terms and Conditions
Initial in the space provided after each statement

I want to become an independent Nutrition For LifeDistributor. I authorize Nutrition For Life International, Inc. to charge my credit card listed below (or I have enclosed a check) in the amount of $49 for the Nutrition For LifeDistributor Success Kit. I understand that this is the only requirement to become a Nutrition For LifeDistributor. This includes my first year’s subscription to LifeStyles Monthly Magazine. Charge me $20 annually for my continuing subscription. _______

I would like to purchase some Nutrition For Lifeproducts. Please send me an assortment of products totaling the amount of (check one)___$250 ___$500 ___$1,000. I understand that I do not have to purchase any products to become a Nutrition For LifeDistributor, but I do so of my own accord. I further understand that I must retail or use in business building 70% of the products that I purchase before I purchase more products. _______

I hereby authorize Nutrition For Life Internationalto enroll me in its optional Order Assurance Program. Please send me Product Redemption Certificates for the months that I fail to place an order by the last day of the credit month. Send the Certificate in the amount of $100 or up to this amount, plus a $1 processing fee (see reverse of this form for program description). I understand that the Redemption Certificate is redeemable for Nutrition For Life products and subject to limitations (see Policies and Procedure Manual for complete details). I authorize Nutrition For Life International to withdraw funds for authorized Product Redemption Certificates directly from my Check-By-Phone or major credit card account listed below on a monthly basis. (If using Check-By-Phone, enclose voided check; no temporary checks or deposit slips allowed.) I understand that this is optional. ___Check-By-Phone Option (enclose voided check) ___Credit Card Option _______

I authorize Nutrition For Life Internationalto enroll me in Virtual VoiceVoice Messaging Service at $7.00 a month rental, $.19 cents per minute - U.S., $.45 cents per minute - Canada (800 Nationwide Access - 30 sec. minimum, 6 sec. increment billing.) _______

I authorize Nutrition For Life International to charge my credit card listed below, or to debit my checking account (by using all the information on the enclosed check) in the amount of $35.00 per month, plus a $1 processing fee, for the Nutrition For Life Master Developer Series. I understand that this is optional. _______

Please deduct two cents per downline distributor, plus a $5.00 monthly fee, from my monthly bonus check for the optional Nutrition For Life Data Processing Service. _______

I have read the terms and conditions of this agreement listed on the reverse side of this form and agree to abide by the company policies and procedures as stated on this agreement and in the Nutrition For Life Policies and Procedure Manual. (Agreement will not be accepted unless this box is initialed.) _______

I have read the Nutrition For LifeMarketing & Compensation Plan Explanation and understand all of my options. (Agreement will not be accepted unless this box is initialed.) _______

I authorize Nutrition For Life Internationalto enroll me in the Check-By-Phone program using all the information that is on my enclosed check and I hereby authorize Nutrition For Life International or its authorized agent in accordance with this Agreement to initiate debit/credit entries to our checking account as indicated by the enclosed check. This authority is to remain in full force and effect until Nutrition For Life International has received written notification from me of its termination in such a manner as to afford Nutrition For Life Internationalreasonable opportunity to act on it pur-suant to this Agreement. This authority is to remain in effect until you actually receive such notice. I agree that you shall be fully protected in honoring such a draft. I further agree that if any such funds be dishonored, whether intentionally or inadvertently, you shall be under no liability whatsoever even though such dishonor results in the forfeiture of product, bonuses or privileges I may have been entitled to as an “Active Distributor.” _______

If a product purchase accompanies this agreement and you are a resident of California, South Dakota, Texas, Utah or Wisconsin, you must add the appropriate sales tax based on retail value. Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico charged 2nd Day shipping – PLEASE CALL 1-800-800-7377 FOR INFORMATION.

YES! I want to be an independent Nutrition For Life Distributor! I have read everything on the front and back of this form and understand all of my options. I also understand that there is a 10% restocking fee should I decide to return any unopened product I purchase.

Signature X__________________________________________ Today’s Date_____________________

Discover/NOVUS# __________________________________________

Expiration Date _________________
name as it appears on card (please print) _______________________________________________ (or check enclosed for the appropriate amount, made payable to Nutrition For Life)

FAX this application to:
(713) 460-8599


FED EX this application to:
Nutrition For Life
9101 Jameel, Houston, TX 77040

Reverse Side of Agreement
