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~¤* Mine *¤~

Hi! Welcome to my homepage. Please feel free to e-mail me kewl ideas or voice opinions. Also, please sign my guest book. Thanx and enjoy!

This picture wuz taken my freshman year of highschool for band. That wuz two years ago. I am a junior this year. This year's picture sux so I don't want to put it on here.
Hello, my name is Cat. I wuz born on October 1, 1982 at 4:40 am. I am sixteen and from Oklahoma. I have one brother and one sister, plus a mom and a dad. I love animals. I have two cats and two parakeets. I play flute and piccolo in the band (marching and concert)-- its fun!!!! I am also in AFJROTC this year. I am in the Drill Team, Color Guard, Special Forces, and I am in charge of the Rocket Club this year. I am also a Public Affairs Specialist. I like ROTC, and if you get the chance, join... its great {Pay no attention whatsoever to record number 23 in my guestbook... Danny is an idiot and has no idea what he is talking about}. I am going to a Junior ROTC sponsored camp this summer in Columbus, Mississippi. I hope it is fun. All of my friends think I'm completely crazy and insane--but thats only because I LOVE to have FUN!!!!!!!! I just do what I feel like--which is usually something really stupid or attracts a lot of attention--whether I want it or not. I also have four other pages if you would like to visit them. They are Friends, Pyro Skulls, Linx to my Friends' Pages, and Fantasy 2 Paradise. Well, that's about all for now. Buh Bye!!! WOOHOOO!!!!

WIRED!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!
(insert demonic laugh here) Heh Heh Heheh
Heh -- don't ask.

If you have n e ideas for this page or n e of my other pages, (except the Fantasy2Paradise one) then please e-mail them to me. Please!!!! I'm getting bored with the same old stuff, but I don't have n e more ideas to make it more interesting!!!!!!! Please!! I'm begging you!!!

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Really Kewl Linx

Bodo - Awesome joke & quiz site
Jokes - Kewl joke page
Funky Little Monkey - My friend's kewl homepage
