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Rolling UP the hill from my house to the store.

    I had a burst-fracture of the C-7 while still active duty in the U.S. Navy. Thanks to the hard work of Kathy Dunn and the staff of the Spinal Cord Injury Unit at the VA Medical Center in La Jolla, California, I was MediVac'd to them from the civilian hospital shortly after my accident. There could not be a more dedicated bunch of people than those working in the VA SCI Units, and thanks to the support of the Paralyzed Veterans of America and the teaching hospitals like UCSD, the research and rehabilitation they provide is as good as it can be. For anyone considering military service I'd like to say, the pay ain't great but the health insurance (i.e., the VA) is there if something like this should happen to you.

Everyone smiles in PT.
My new handcycle.
Even has a water bottle!

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