
I will only put a brief explanation of Wicca here. If you want more in depth coverage, I suggest you read any of Scott Cunningham's books .

Wicca is a religion that is centered around reverence for nature as seen through the Goddess and God. It is a very ancient religion, it's roots in Shamanistic rites. Wicca is a religion of joy. It is a merging with nature and the Gods. It is celebrated in nature, not in a stuffy church .

Wiccans go into an alternate, or meditative state of mind. Quite like Buddhism . Here, they are more free to commune with the Goddess and God. This state of mind is acheived with chanting, meditation, invocations.

Our Gods are not distant. They do not reside in Heaven. They are in nature. In the mountain, the rivers, the rocks. In ourselves.

The Thirteen Goals of a Witch

I. Know thyself
II. Know your craft
III. Learn
IV. Apply knowledge with wisdom
V. Achieve balance
VI. Keep your words in good order
VII. Keep your thoughts in good order
VIII. Celebrate life.
IX. Attune with the cycles of the Earth
X. Breathe and eat correctly
XI. Exercise the body
XII. Meditate
XIII. Honor the Goddess and the God

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