The Sabbats

The Sabbats

Sabbats are days of power

Yule ---December 21. Yule is celebrated by Pagans everywhere. It is the day of the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. Yule is a fire festival, celebrating the birth of the God. From here on, the days gradually start to get longer. The Yule log came from this festival.
Yule is celebrated by basically everyone, whether they know it or not. Isis gave birth to Horus. Mary gave birth to Jesus around this time. Coincidence? A lot of Pagan holidays have been adopted by Christians, and continue to live on in their religion, albeit, highly watered down.

Imbolc ---February 2. Imbolc means, "in the belly" of the mother. Imbolc is also known as Candlemas and Lady day. This day is also in honor of Brigid, the Irish Goddess. At this time, the Earth is feeling is the first stirrings of spring. The God has now reached boyhood.

Ostara ---March 20. Ostara is the Spring, or Vernal Equinox. The days are equal at this time. The Christian Easter is derived from Eostre, a Saxon Goddess. Ostara is a fertility festival. The Easter bunny comes from the rabbit, an animal sacred to the Goddess. Eggs symbolize fertilty. Do you see how all religions tie in to each other? The God is reaching maturity.

Beltane ---May 1. Beltane was traditionally accompanied by ecstatic orgies. All that is left today is dancing around a Maypole. An obviously phallic symbol. This is a time for Handfasting, the Pagan equivalent of marriage. On this day the Goddess and God join.

Midsummer ---June 21. Midsummer is the longest day of the year, the shortest night. From here on the days get shorter. This is a time of maturity. The Goddess and God rule as Queen and King. They remain at the height of their power, but darkness is creeping in to dethrone.

Lammas ---August 1. Lammas celebrates the first harvest. This holiday is also known as Lugnasadh. The Sun King has reached the Autumn of his years. The dark self had reached puberty.

Mabon ---September 23. The second in three harvest festivals. Mabon is a Welsh name meaning "great son" of the Mother. This is the Autumn Equinox. Demeter's daughter, Kore, was out picking flowers when Hades abducted her at this time. As Demeter looses hope, the days shorten.

Samhain ---October 31. Prounounced -"Sow-wen," Samhain is the ancestor of modern day Halloween. This is a very magikal night. This signifies the ending of the old year, and the start of the new. Wiccans think of this as a memorial day for loved ones who have passed away. After this winter sets in, until the God is born again.

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