
Hello friends! I am back online after a long hiatus and the first thing I tackled was the problem with the chat room. People were signing on, only to find an empty room. :( So, I have arranged a time for a chat session. Chats will be held every evening at 7:00 pm mountain time. If you're in Pacific time, then this would be at 6:00, Central is 8:00, Eastern is 9:00. Even the scheduled chats don't work sometimes because nobody comes anyway except maybe one person. So, please sign up for my mailing list and club. That way, we can network better, and might actually meet at the chat room. You can go to the main page to sign up. The chat will end when the last person leaves. Topics will be of a Wiccan interest, but if you want to discuss something else, then that's fine too. I hope to talk to you soon.

Avalon of Wicca Webmistress

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