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The Mapua Outdoor Club

The Mapúa Outdoor Club

Constitution and By-Laws





            "With the development in view of stimulating a greater interest and development in environmental and preservation and outdoor recreational activities in our Institute, and creating enthusiasm which, by reason of our example, will serve to awaken a spirit of emulation and cooperation to the same end throughout the Institute we do hereby form ourselves into the Mapúa Outdoor Club."

            Consonant with the most liberal spirit of tolerance in the achievement of our purpose, we further agree that in its vigorous pursuit, this organization shall at all times maintain an attitude strictly non-sectarian, non-partisan, and non-sectional, nor shall it, as an organization, take part in political issues.





Name of the Organization


Section 1.        The Mapúa Outdoor Club shall be the name of this organization.


Section 2.        This organization shall be established as a scientific association subject to the Rules and Regulations     Governing Student Organizations of the Mapúa institute of Technology.


Section 3.        The office of the organization shall be located at the ground floor and shall be the official place of business unless deemed necessary by the Officers and the Founders to move to another place within the territorial limits of the Institute.


Section 4.        For purposes of this Constitution, the abbreviation "MOC" refers to the Mapúa Outdoor Club.







Section 1.        The general objectives of the Mapúa Outdoor Club are as follows:


1.a       To assist the Mapúa Institute of Technology in all lines of endeavor especially with regards to our ecology system.

1.b       To enhance the goals of education among MIT students to continue training them for nature awareness and leadership in an out-of-the-classroom-close-to-nature setting.


Section 2.        The specific objectives of the MOC are:


2.a       To give the MIT students the chance and opportunity of being acquainted with mother nature.

2.b       To inculcate to each member the importance of nature and its role in our daily lives most especially in the near future.

2.c       To encourage them to get involved in outdoor recreational, environmental and as well as educational activities thru seminars, training courses, and workshops.

2.d       To promote a more nature-oriented environment within the Institute.

2.e       To engage in outdoor expeditions to broaden and deepen his knowledge and skills in self reliance and independence.

2.f        To provide a standing force within the Institute of specially trained and skilled service group for emergency services.

2.g       To learn basic skills in survival.

2.h       To conduct first aid, life saving, outdoor safety and emergency training courses.

2.i        To have the maximum utilization of their leisure time with the emphasis in camping and other nature-oriented activities.

2.j        To reaffirm the vital links to GOD, nature, and man.








Section 1.        All bonafide students of the Institute is entitled for application in this organization. All applicants shall be subjected to a screening process outlined by the Officers and the Founders.


Section 2.        An applicant must pass the screening process and must accomplish the minimum requirement, that is, sixty percent (60%) of the set activities for the current semester, for one to be a member of this organization.


Section 3.        Once an applicant passes the minimum requirement, he or she will always be a member unless otherwise terminated.


Section 4.        No member will be entitled for resignation of membership, only termination of membership.


Section 5.        A member may be terminated of his/her membership on the grounds of non-compliance with the by-laws of the organization and grave misconduct.






Duties and Obligations of Members


It shall be the obligations of the members of MOC to:


  1. Observe and uphold the MOC Constitution and By-laws, traditional laws, and the Rules and regulations of the Institute.


  1. Uphold the academic integrity of the Club.


  1. Support the Club in its endeavor, as well as the Institute's and therefore each member is required to attend at least forty percent (40%) of the set activities excluding the general meetings and/or tournaments of the Club.
  2. Be concerned about the issues concerning the Club.








Section 1.        The MOC shall be governed by a President, Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Auditor and a P.R.O.


Section 2.        The President shall have general supervisions of the businesses and affairs of this organization.


Section 3.        The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence, incapability, or inability to discharge the functions, which shall be as follows:


3.a       To be responsible in securing the permission of different institutions and companies whee the Organization is intended to visit.


3.b       To be responsible for the promotion of the Club in other institutions.


3.c       To be responsible in informing the endeavors of the Club and establish contacts with its alumni.


3.d       To be responsible in seeking assistance in any form from its alumni with regards to the undertaking of the Club.


Section 4.        The duties of the Secretary shall be the handling of all official correspondence, filing of all the records and communications, and the recording of all the proceedings of the general meetings, regular meetings of the Officers and the joint meetings between the Officers and the Founders of the Club and all the businesses in general that comes before and is disposed of the Club. The Secretary shall be the custodian of all the records and books of the Club.


Section 5.        The Treasurer shall have the following duties:


5.a       He shall be responsible for the handling of all financial affairs of this Club. He shall prepare the budget for the whole semester and shall prepare a monthly financial statement of all expenditures of the Club during the semester.


5.b       he shall be the custodian of funds, money and receipts, and shall take charge of all the collections and disbursements of the club.


5.c       He shall render accounting of the financial condition of the Club and all his transactions as treasurer whenever it is required.


5.d       He shall make and submit to the President and to the Dean of Student Affairs reports of the financial condition of the Club before the semester ends but not to exceed more than one (1) week before the final examinations.


Section 6.        The Auditor shall work with the Treasurer in the preparation of the budget. He shall audit the financial statements of the Club as prepared by the Treasurer and shall report directly in writing any form of financial irregularity, witnessed or otherwise, to the Founders.


Section 7.        The Public Relations Officer shall promote good and friendly working relations towards the unity not only within the Club but also with the other organizations. The PRO shall be responsible in announcing and promoting the Club's activities and shall be in charge of procurement of all PR materials. He can hand-pick not more than seven (7) members to assist him in carrying out his duties.






Qualifications of Officers


All bonafide students of MIT seeking elective positions in the Mapua Outdoor Club must have the following qualifications:


  1. Must be a duly registered member of the Club and had been inducted. However, if the person seeking for elective position has not been inducted due to some valid reasons, the Founders and previous presidents will pass judgment on whether he/she is qualified.


  1. Must be an active member and responsible member with high moral and ethical standards.



  1. Must have no disciplinary action of any kind charged to him for the violation of the MOC Constitution and By-Laws.


  1. Members who have been under probation (academic or otherwise) in the previous semester are not qualified to any elective position.



  1. Must have no financial liability to the Club.


  1. Members seeking the positions of President and Vice-President must be preferably non-graduating students.







Election of Executive Officers


Section 1.        the election of the officers shall take place annually right after the finals of the second semester and members of the COMELEC shall be nominated from the floor, and voted upon at the last regular meeting prior to the general meeting.


Section 2.        Each member of this organization may nominate any member by sending a special notice to the COMELEC within the prescribed period set by the said committee. Nominations submitted after the prescribed period may still be accepted by the committee provided that at least twenty-five (25) members have signed their name in accordance with the nomination.


Section 3.        The Committee on Election shall prepare the list of the top three (3) candidates who have received the greatest number of nominations for the Presidency an the Vice-Presidency. This list will be the official list of candidates for the said positions.


Section 4.        The top three (3) candidates who have received the greatest number of nominations for the position of Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor and PRO shall compose the official list of candidates vying for their respective positions.


Section 5.        The top fifteen (15) nominees for the position of Board of Directors shall compose the official list of candidates vying for the said position.


Section 6.        Each candidate shall be subjected to a thorough screening process to be conducted by the COMELEC.


Section 7.        The COMELEC, whose members are not incumbent officials nor candidates for any position, shall conduct the election by secret balloting.


Section 8.        Any project regarding the outcome of the election must e filed immediately not later than twenty-four (24) hours after the official counting. The protest will be decided immediately by the Founders and the COMELEC for necessary action after twenty-four (24) hours.








Section 1.        Not less than one regular meeting shall be held every month, and the power shall be vested on the President to fix the date of such meetings.


Section 2.        Special meetings can be called by any officer through the President or upon the request of at least one-fourth (1/4) of the total membership or whenever deemed necessary.


Section 3.        No meeting shall take place unless at least one-fourth (1/4) of the total registered members are present in that particular meeting.






The Faculty Advisers


Section 1.        The organization shall choose two (2) to three (3) advisors coming from any School within the Institute who are of notable ability and are in sympathy with the objectives of this Club.


Section 2.        The presence of the faculty adviser shall be governed by Rule III, section 9 of the Rules and Regulations Governing Student Organizations.