
LeO LiNks...

Here are some links that I got. You guys should check them out. Send me any of your links so I can post them!;)

Here are some Leo Links....I'll get some more later!

Official Leonardo DiCaprio Site-The true Page

Man In the Iron Mask Interviws-This has great clips!(Thnx Ken!)

Adorable Leo-Yes he is Adorable...

All DiCaprio Land-A very Leo Landy Place

The Leonardo DiCaprio Guardian Angels-Check out their views

Lun'n Leo-Cool page!

Live Net Events-Yahoo Leo Chat(must have an Java enabled browser)

ABSOLUT LeoŠAn all Leo Page

GiRlY LiNkS...

Here are some links FOR GIRLS ONLY, like clothes and stuff...its really cool ..check them out.
Hardy Candy

GirlFirends LA

Teen People

Girlie Wear


OtHeR LinKs...

Here are some other links thath are pretty cool that people sent me! (Thnx Kelley!)

Welcome To the White House-Learn about The White House

The DUMB Button-You Have To Check it Out Yourself

The Stoopid Games-Need I say More?

I'll get more later today so check often. And send me SOME COOL LINKS!

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