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KC7TXM Server Systems: Streaming Video Network
Watch Live Television from all around the world via the Internet

     At KC7TXM Server Systems you can watch Television Live on the Internet from around the World. You can enjoy live television from North and South America, Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. We have feeds from six continents and over 70 channels.

     To watch our live internet satellite tv you need some kind of RealVideo format player. A program like RealPlayer, a program that plays both real video and real audio format internet files, is what you need. Besides the proper programs you will need a decent connection to the internet to view live tv stations online. Most feeds have a required minimum bandwidth, a numbers of Kilobits per second, kbps. Feeds that are close to your location will receive a better connection and better bandwidth.

     You can watch television from all over the world, but some may not be accessible or available all of the time or from certain locations. Some channels may not be able to be viewed at sometimes or by some people with certain connections. Most people at most times from North and South America, Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East can view all of the channels from there location with there bandwidth, but nothing is guaranteed.

     KC7TXM Server Systems: Streaming Video Network is run by KC7TXM Server Systems webmaster Matt Karls. Created and run by Matthew Daniel Karls KC7TXM.