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Welcome to our page! Well. . .we made this page to help people who don't know us very well to get to know us better. And if you already know us well. . .I bet there are some little tidbits of info that you never knew about us hidden away in this page =) If you're wondering why we did this page together, I guess it's because we have so much in common...and also because we have no clue how to do it by ourselves =)

Let's give you some background info about Geoff and Jay. . .We're 17. . .and we go to Earl Haig in T.O. We've known each other since kindergarten cuz we went to the same little private/Christian school--NTCS. . .we also experienced life at the Yorkland School *cringe*. . . Jay had the added pleasure of going to the Peoples Christian Academy as well. . .lucky him,eh? Let's see. . .Jay swims enjoys movies, bubble tea, fellowship, and M&M's. . . .Geoff likes sports, music, and Gideon Fellowship. . . We're both Christians and Peer Helpers so e-mail us your questions and we'll try our best not to laugh =) We're both a little addicted to ICQ, but we won't admit it. =Þ Actually that's how we got the brilliant idea to make our own web page. BTW. . .Jay's icq number is 26450801, and Geoff's is 22396733 . . In addition to that, we're both on Asian Avenue! So to our azn friends, Geoff's nick is gheffosuperstar, and Jay's is jgroove_ah_ma. . .So look us up!! Anyways, enjoy the page but come back cuz it's always under construction.


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What's New

Updated: 02/04/00

What's New?? Hmm, well, you've hit da best homepage ever. .need we say more???? :)

Neways, hope everybody who has found their way to this lil' peace of the net is all well and good. . .Exams are finally over, phew. . .and um lessee. . .semi is next week!! aiyah, how do iget myself into these things!. . .hahha. . .that's all fer now. .~Jay

Shoutouts. . .

We are blessed to know so many of you cool cool people. . . .And here's our way of acknowledging you fine people. Perhaps you would like to know just how much we appreciate you guys. . . that's cool cuz we wrote about some of you!!! Remember if you're not here, or if you would like a shoutout, then tell either Jay or Geoff ASAP!

Jay's Shoutouts

Geoff's Shoutouts

New In Entertainment. . .

Every week, we will be featuring a movie pick of our choice to discuss and review with the public. . . Enter to find out more about this week's pick!!! Really Cool!!

BTW, i know i haven't updated this for a looong time. . .go watch TOY STORY 2 (if you haven't already since it's been out fer 3 months already!), it was really good!! Just as great as the first:)!

To Entertainment Page

Geoff's Picks. . .

Geoff will be discussing computer/nintendo games, books, and web sites for your enlightenment!! So stop by and catch up on some of Geoff's picks! This weeks pick: EA Sports: NHL Hockey '99

To Review

Wicked Web Sites You Should Go To. . .

Be sure to visit our highly recommended web sites and homepages that we have compiled for your enjoyment :)

To Wicked Links

Reflections in Christ. . .

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ Jesus forgave you." Ephesians 4:32 Most of us have someone whom we don't like very much, or we hold a grudge against, but we know as Christians what God wants us to do, what we need to do in order to be forgiven ourselves. Here is a story called "Forever Forgiven". It is a really really touching story.

To Reflections in Christ

Articles Online. . .

Here are some articles which have previously been published in Earl Haig's newspaper, Carpanatomy. All articles are written by Jay. . .

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