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Joc's 7th Lightning Page.

Joc's 7th Home Page


GOD's Fireworks

All Pictures are Copyrighted.

Created by GOD, "Lightning over the Verde Valley." Picture #1.

Created by God, "Lightning over the Verde Valley." Picture #2.

"Lightning in the Sky."

"Lightning and it's different Shapes."

"Lightning tied in Knots."

"Lightning behind the Tree."

If you like this Lightning site, Please sign the guest book, and give comments and possible ways to improve the site. Thank You.

These are my other Web Pages.

Joc's Original LIGHTNING Pictures by JOC (Joc1.html)

Joc's Second Page of LIGHTNING Pictures by JOC (Joc2.html)

Joc's Third Page of LIGHTNING Pictures by JOC (Joc3.html)

Joc's Fourth Page of LIGHTNING Pictures by JOC (Joc4.html)

Joc's Fifth Page of LIGHTNING Pictures by JOC (Joc5.html)

Joc's Sixth Page of LIGHTNING Pictures by JOC (Joc6.html)

Joc's Eighth Page of LIGHTNING Pictures by JOC (Joc8.html)

Joc's Nineth Page of LIGHTNING Pictures by JOC (Joc9.html)

Joc's Tenth Page of LIGHTNING Pictures by JOC (Joc10.html)

Joc's Eleventh Page of LIGHTNING Pictures by JOC (Joc11.html)

Joc's Twelveth Page of LIGHTNING Pictures by JOC (Joc12.html)

Joc's Sales Page of LIGHTNING Pictures by JOC (Joc's Sales Pages.html)

"The Good Shepherd Home" Project, by JOC (Goodshepherdhome.html)

"The Good Samaritian Leprosy Services Society" Project, by JOC (Leprosy.html)

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Joc Cousin.

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Last Date Modifed:

3 JAN 08
