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Home of Shadows
Brimber's Info
Brimber's Knowledge
The New Club In Town
The Characters
How The Runs Went
Message Board
Test Your Knowledge

Highest Legal Die Roll:

Highest Target Number:
For MJ

Saying of the Day:
"I speaka no englash!"

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Here is where I will post how well (or how poorly) the runners did on their runs. You will be able to access their very first runs to their most recent runs. They are in decending order (that is, the latest run they did at the top and then down in order to the very first run). Kahpish? Good, now chose one!

Current Group Enemies
Enemy Primary Member
The Halloweeners Morgue
The Majestics Morgue

Email Me, Please!

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Shadowrun is copyrighted by the FASA Corporation and is protected by law from any and all duplication. All rights reserved. So make up your own damn system! Shadowrun is just a roleplaying game and is not to be taken seriously.