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OK, here is a list of races that fasa has created for shadowrun, including the metahuman variants races out of the shadowrun campanion (damn source books, just as bad as AD&D).

Elf (Superior race in every setting)
The Night Ones

Dwarfs stand about 1.2 meters tall, and weigh about 54 kg on average. Their skin ranges from pinkish-white to ebony. Dwarfs often live longer then 100 years old. Dwarfs gain a +1 Body, +2 Strength, and +1 Willpower. They have a natural thermographic vision. Dwarfs also have a resistance to any disease or toxin that grants them an additional +2 Body to resist.

Members of the gnome subgroup inhabit Central Europe and Asia Minor. Gnomes are distinguished from common dwarfs by longer noses and have shorter, more childlike physique. Gnomes tend to favor rural environments over urban settings. Most cling to the behaviors traditionally attributed to their race by mythology and seem unnerved by modern technology. All known magical gnomes are shamans. Gnomes recieve the standard dwarf racial modifications, with the following exception: +2 Willpower.

Japanese dwarfs, called koborokuru, are slightly smaller than their Western counterparts and possess extensive body hair. Like other metahumans, koborokuru are not looked upon kindly in Japanese society. In fact, Japanese anit-metahuman prejudice has saddled koborokuru with an undeserved reputation as rude and primitive individuals. Like gnomes, koborokuru prefer rural and wilderness areas over urban enviroments. Koborokuru recieve the standard dwarf racial modifications, with the following exception: no Quickness penalty.

The menehune, or Children of the lost land, are named for the original "little people" of Hawaii. Menehune are shorter then most dwarfs and possess luxuriant body hair, think muscles, large noses, bushy eyebrows, and stringy hair. According to local legends, the menehune's ancestors came from the lost continent of Mu, or Atlantis, but modern biologists and anthropologists place little stock in such fables. Menehune recieve recieve the standard dwarf modifications, except with the following exception: +2 Body.

Elves stand about 1.9 meters tall, and weigh about 72 kg on average. Their skin ranges from pinkish-white to ebony. Elves live for hundreds of years. Elves gain a +1 Quickness, and +2 Charisma. They have natural low light vision.

Dryads are an all-female metavariant of elves characterized by an average height of more than .1 meter and hair color that appears to change with the seasons. All dryads have dark brown eyes with no visible pupils. No matter where they are born, all dryads migrate to forested areas. All known dryads are shamans who follow a variation of the Great Mother Totem called Father Tree, but whose stats are the same. Dryads recieve the standard elf racial modifications, with the following exceptions: Mild allergy to urban areas, -1 Strength, -1 Body, +3 Charisma bonus, and a limited Animal Empathy that only affects birds and small treeliving animals like squirrels and chipmunks.

The Night Ones
A mostly European metavariant of elves, known by their own choice as Night Ones, possess a distinguishing physical characteristic of fine fur covering their bodies. This layer of fur is indistinguishable from skin at a distance, but the fact that the fur ranges in color from black to violet to blue, with some rare examples of green and orange, makes this metavariant quickly apparent at close range. Their hair and eyes are usually a tint of their skin, although few rare cases have silver hair and eyes. The Night Ones recieve standard elf racial modifications, with the following exceptions: Mild allergy to sunlight, +2 Quickness.

The wakyambi are an extremely rare elven subclass native to Africa. The wakyambi often lack pointed ears and are noticeably thinner and taller then other elves, many growing as tall as trolls, and a rare few even taller. Wakyambi almost always possess black or brown skin, though rare albino are known to exist. Wakyambi recieve the standard elf racial modifications, with the following exceptions: +1 Willpower, no Quickness bonus.

Humans stand about 1.7 meters tall, and weigh about 70 kg on average. Their skin ranges from pinkish-white to ebony. Humans have a lifespan of about 55 years. They have no special abilities.

An Ork stands about 1.9 meters tall, and weigh about 95 kg on average. Their skin ranges from pale pink to ebony. Orks have a lifespan of about 35 to 40 years old. Orks gain a +3 Body, +2 Strength, -1 Charisma, -1 Intelligence. They have natural low light vision.

The hobgoblins of the Middle East are smaller and slighter than most ork variants. Hobgoblins greenish skin tones, sharp teeth and dark, beady eyes give them a fierce apperance, which has contributed to general anti-metahuman prejudice in the Middle East. Hobgoblins are also distinguished by their vicious tempers and strong sense of personal honor, which demands that hobgoblins avenge any slight or disrespect directed toward them. Hobgoblins recieve standard ork racial modifications, with the following exceptions: +2 Body and no Intelligence penalty.

Members of the European ogre subgroup are shorter and stockier than most orks. They possess smoother skin and less body and head hair than other orks, as well as pronounced jaw lines. Ogres recieve the standard ork racial modifications, but do not suffer a Charisma penalty.

Japanese orks, or oni, have bright red, blue or orange skin. Less apparent physical characteristics include slightly protuberant eyes, enlarged, pointed ears; and horns. Additionally, oni display a higher than average propensity for magical ability. Oni are reputedly treacherous and hostile, but this view seems more a product of Japanese anti-metahuman prejudice than of any inherent oni characteristics. At the gamemasters discretion, players creating magical oni characters may select Resources as Priority A, Race as Priority B and Magic as Priority C. All non-magical oni use the regular metahuman Priority assignments.

Members of the Mediterranean satyr subgroup often possess relatively small physical builds, furry lower bodies, cloven hooves and small, curly horns. Popular myth to the contrary, satyrs are not all musicians or "party animals." Nearly all satyrs possess magical abilities and follow the way of the shaman. Most follow the totem of Bacchus (coyote shaman). This totem resembles the the Greek god of the same name. Satyrs recieve a -1 Quickness do to their hooves and a +1 bonus to Willpower.

These big boys stand about 2.8 meters tall, and weigh about 225 kg on average. Their skin ranges from pinkish-white to brown. Trolls have a lifespan of about 50 years. Trolls gain a +5 Body, +4 Strength, -1 Quickness, -2 Charisma, -2 Intelligence. They have natural Thermographic vision. Trolls also get a +1 Reach for Armed/Unarmed Combat, and they have Dermal Armor (+1 Body).

Greek and Mediterranean trolls, known as cyclops, are often larger and more heavily muscled than other trolls. They lack most of the dermal deposits common amoung trolls, but are most easily distinguished by the fact that they have only a single eye located in the middle of their foreheads. All cyclops either have only one horn or, in rare instances, no horns. Cyclops recieve the standard troll racial modifications with the following exceptions: +6 Strength (Attribute Max 10) and no dermal armor. Cyclops also recieve a +2 target modifier for ranged attacks because they lack depth perception.

Fomori are Irish/Celtic trolls. They lack dermal bone deposits, but are more powerful than most other trolls and are generally considered comparatively attractive by other races. Like many metahumans of Celtic descent, fomori possess a higher than average propensity for magical ability. Fomori recieve the standard troll racial modifications with the following exceptions: +4 Body, +3 Strength, no Dermal Armor and no Charisma penalty.

Nordic trolls, or giants, are fairer and taller than other trolls. The average giant stands 3.5 meters tall, and most lack horns and dermal bone deposits common to their race. For as-yet-unknown reasons, giants seem to have a greater than average tendency toward genetic reversions - one out of every four female infants born to giant mothers is human. Giants possess the standard troll racial modifications with the following exceptions: +5 Strength and no Dermal Armor.

Minotaurs are an unusual Mediterranean mutation of the troll metatype, distinguished by pronounced snouts in place of noses, wide-set eyes, long horns, and extensive body hair. They possess the standard racial modifications, except adjust the following Attributes by 1: Body(+4), Strength(+3), Charisma and Intelligence(-1).


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