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This is where you can look at Jeff Penfold's current character, Morgue. He has alot to say in Shadowland as well, so check it out. Simply click on the image to get to the information that you would like to know.

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2055, October 12th
The troll Known as Morgue is unlike any troll most people have met. For one, he is magically active, which is rare unto itself, but even more rare is the fact that he is a Voudoun Hougan. Corbin is almost completely opposite from the stereotypical troll. He is very well spoken and stays calm in most situations. However, he still is a troll, and can have a bad temper, even worse than most trolls. He tends to keep his temper in check most of the time. On the rare occasion that he does loose his temper, Corbin is quick to swallow his pride and apologize for his actions. Morgue is also very charismatic and intelligent, more so than most trolls. Unfortunately, his wardrobe can be intimidating at times and being from a lower class family, his potential is somewhat held back. As far his sense of humor goes, Morgue doesn't seem to have one. While on the job, he tries his best to act like a professional. On the rare occasion that Corbin does crack a joke, it is usually very dry. While not on a run, Corbin can prank with the best of them. Morgue is generally quite suspicious of mostly everyone. This is due to previous experiences of betrayal. Corbin also feels the responsibility of protecting the youth. He considers it his job to stand up for the young. Whether this is because of a previous experience which resulted is the death of a former teammate (who was only 17) is yet to be seen but it is more than likely that this has played a role in his decision. Another factor that might affect his views is the fact that small children, when present around Morgue, rather than being frightened, they seem to bond with him. They almost "flock" to him. One final point to take note of is Morgue does not fear death. This does not mean that he'll laugh in death's face but, means that he does not feel threatened by death. This is because he knows that all things that are brought to life will eventually die. When he dies, that means that it was his time to move onto a greater place. He has died once, and he is not afraid to die again.

This is a brief rundown of Corbin St. Paul's life. As time progresses, the history will be broken down into short stories in order to flesh out the character. These stories may or may not be posted on this web page. The man known as Corbin St. Paul was born on August 13th, 2031. He was originally born under the name of Corbin Kitchner, but this is not known by Corbin. Corbin was born as a troll and his parents did not take this lightly. Both parents were members of a well known policlub that was known for their hatred against metahumanity. Corbin's parents kept their baby boy as a secret from the rest of the policlub members. Keeping Corbin away from the public eye for three years, (Corbin spent most of this time uncared for and alone in the basement or attic; Corbin cannot recall any of this but it might be triggered if something were done to remind him of it.) his parents could not keep their secret from the policlub any longer. When the policlub offered to "cleanse his soul" by killing Corbin, his parents, showing some signs of compassion for their son, gave him up for adoption, rather than handing him over to be slaughtered. Jumping from foster home to foster home for nearly five years, Corbin finally found a home to call his own. He was adopted by the St. Paul family, a family of four who lived in a low rent apartment in the downtown district of Seattle. The St. Paul's were an all human, African-American family who were long time practitioners of the Voudoun religion, and Corbin found himself drawn to their beliefs. By the time Corbin turned 18 he was randomly picked to participate in a extensive study conducted by Fujitomo No Samatory of the University of Seattle, the head of the magical department. The test was being done to show the increase of magical activity in humans since the beginning of the awakened world. In the results, Fuji surprisingly discovered that Corbin was capable of being a full fledged mage. When Corbin was told of this and offered to come to the university to develop his talents, Corbin declined, saying that it was a blessing unto him given from the loa that he had such powers. However, Fuji still wanted to develop his magical capabilities and privately tutored Corban on occasion. By age twenty, Corbin's adoptive father was doing a small five part segment on a news show on the history of Voudoun. Corbin met a young, enthusiastic news reporter named Jennifer Corley. Jennifer learned of Corbin's magical capabilities and introduced him to a ma named Clovis Holloway. Clovis was a practitioner of the hemectic tradition. Corbin and Clovis became close friends. It wasn't long before Clovis told Corbin of His past shadowrunning experiences. The two decided to form a group of runners. The group started of small; only four members. Over time, the group grew to eight. On October 12th, 2055, the group was sent on a run by their fixer, Roger Wilhiem. The run was botched, possibly because it may have been a setup. Many of the members careers ended with this run. Corbin himself was badly injured, even to the point where he was legally dead. For some strange, unknown reason, Corbin was miraculously brought back to life. After this run, the surviving members disbanded. Corbin received the nickname Morgue for the simple fact that that is where he could have ended up. Corbin quit running for a few years but undertook it again after being asked by his current fixer, phylex.

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NAME: Corbin St. Paul
OCCUPATION: Shadowrunner (on and off for 6 or 7 years)
CHARACTER: Voudoun Hougan (Ghede)
RACE: Troll
AGE: 29
EYE COLOR: Pure White/ dark brown without contacts.
BODY: 9 (10)
Bonus Force Points
Extra Attribute
Extra Contact
Distinctive Style
Sensitive System
Sorcery (Ritual): 5 (7)
Conjuring: 6
Negotiations: 1
Pistols: 2
Throwing Weapons: 2
Etiquette (street): 3
Voodoo Lore: 6
Seattle Streets (downtown): 4 (6)
Abstract Jewlery: 4
Food: 5
English: 4
Read/Write: 4
Street Talk: 2
Magic Fingers: 5 (6)
Flame Bomb: 4 (5)
Paralyze: 4 (5)
Heal: 5 (6)
Ram: 5 (6)
Scilence: 4 (5)
+ one more at 4 (5)
**All spells use Reusable Fetishes.
10 Throwing Knives (hilts have small skulls on them and the blades are bone white)
Staff (made of steel; has skull on top)
Berretta 200ST
Remington 990 (sawed off)
Ruger Super Warhawk
Concealable Holster
2 clips
Hand Held Portable phone
Laser Sight
Survival kit
Flash Pack
2 Flash Gernades
Ducted Tape
Strike-anywhere Matches
Phylex (Fixer, Level 1)
Fujitomo No Samatory (University Prof., Level 1)
Whisper (Shadowrunner, Level 1)
Jessica Corley (News Reporter, Level 1)

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