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Home of Shadows
Brimber's Info
Brimber's Knowledge
The New Club In Town
The Characters
How The Runs Went
Message Board
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I will put a bunch of links here once I get started on the old link exchange program. So if you want to be recognized by Brimber, email me your URL and I'll be the judge. ;) Don't worry, I am not too picky, so you'll probably get on here if you tell me about it.

Visit Morrigu's ShadowRun FTP Archive
Visit Morrigu's ShadowRun FTP Archive

A cocky little fellow!


Visit Phelopius The Sage
Check Out My AD&D Page!

Email Me, Please!

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Shadowrun is copyrighted by the FASA Corporation and is protected by law from any and all duplication. All rights reserved. So make up your own damn system! Shadowrun is just a roleplaying game and is not to be taken seriously.