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HI There, Come On In!

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WELCOME to my "virtual" back yard, here on the Web! For starters, let me show you some REAL back yards in my life! Here, you see the harbor at Katherine Landing on scenic Lake Mohave, which is located in the southwest U.S. desert on the Colorado River waterway just north of Bullhead City, AZ and Laughlin, NV. It's at nearly the south end of the lake, a recreational bonanza and MILLIONS of people from all over the world visit here, every year!

This site started out as a "pet project" of mine in 1996. My original intention was for it to be one page on the Internet which would outlive my mortal body, and be a place where my descendants could virtually "meet me" and learn what my life - and I - were all about. I knew as it developed, that total strangers would also be able to access what I was publishing, and so I needed to be candid without being overly intimate.

How well I did that is something I leave up to YOU, dear reader, to decide!

You see, after I had published that one page, it occured to me that what I had there was only a small glimpse of my life! So I decided to add more, and during the following months, it seemed to kind of expand "by itself"! The more info I added, the more photos were needed, and before you knew it, I had one of the largest and most diverse sites on the Internet!

It was very time-consuming. It so happens that, back "in those days", we who publish pages on the Web had to write the code to do all the stuff you see a web site do, ourselves! It took about three pages of actual text entry to publish one Web page! And even ONE misplaced typo could throw the biggest monkey wrench you can imagine into the whole page!

Yet, it was a challenge, and kind of a thrill to see our works "in lights", out there on the Information Highway where millions would pass by. Most profoundly, it wasn't long before I felt a sense of pride in what I had accomplished, and that was what motivated my continuing efforts as regards what has become a kind of "virtual monument".

Lake Mohave is man-made, by Davis Dam. Katherine Landing is about 1/2 mile north of Davis Dam. This photo was taken from a minor "mountain" at Katherine Landing, looking south at Davis Dam and Laughlin, NV. The view is much nicer, in person! It's one of those places you have to visit in person to get everything out of it. I was fortunate to spend ten years in this REAL "backyard of the snowbirds"!

So now that you spotted the site, let me share a bit about myself.

CURRENTLY (At time of most recent update):

You might say that I'm a bit of an adventurer, even a modern "soldier-of-fortune", of sorts. I'm a 6' fairly well-proportioned redheaded guy with sparkling blue eyes that somewhat give away my slightly left-of-center sense of humor! The sparkle is sprinkled with the seasoning wisdom adds. Yet, if given a choice between playing a practical joke on somebody and eating a pizza, I will play the joke .... and then grab the pizza!! ;=]

Many people have asked me, "Where does the username (also a ham radio 'handle') 'Earthman' come from??" It is written, "You were made from the earth; and to the earth you shall return." So it is, that I call myself earthman; for the earth, in ALL of it's created wonder of organization marred by chaotic flaw, is part of me, and I am part of it.

I've worked pretty hard most of my life, and am at kind of a crossroads right now, in the process of deciding just what it is that I shall do next. I concluded that since I've already had what could be called "three careers", I need to be very selective as to "what's next". After all, a guy doesn't live on Earth, forever - THAT's, another story!

FIRST - let me back up, and cover some bases here!

I previously had an exciting job with the Fees Branch, Division of Ranger Activities of the National Park Service at Lake Mead National Recreation Area/Katherine District from July 2000 through May 2004.

Prior to that, I worked as a service writer who also ran the Parts Department in the Boat & Motor Repair Shop at the private resort at Katherine Landing, for five years. I really think it was a true blessing to have enjoyed this scenic and unique backyard for nearly ten years! I've had other very beautiful virtual backyards as well, but I want to focus this particular site on the original mission, and not get sidetracked on those here!!

OF COURSE, that's not to say I won't publish a site dedicated to beautiful virtual back yards - in fact, I hope to do just that!

More on me personally - I'm single (divorced), live alone, have fair complexion and neatly-cut red hair. I do have a red and white moustache; but I'm cleanshaven to the tops of my ears. My body is in reasonably good shape at 165 pounds, especially considering that I've "put it to the test" most of my life, and had to overcome some THREATENING health problems during the last couple of years - a 75%-torn shoulder rotator cuff, decompressive lumbar surgery, a total left hip replacement, radical radiation treatment for tongue cancer and extensive surgery for another tongue cancer. Whew!

Among my many interests are boating, hiking, camping, cliff climbing, music, charcoaling sausages & meats, and of course my main hobby computers!! "Earthman" was my original "handle" or web name on the internet before I changed to the "MarinePro" web name. I'm a straight, drug and disease-free, down-to-earth heterosexual who values honor, loyalty, dedication, determination and honesty.

I spent several years with someone whom I truly loved. I really think I was VERY fortunate to experience true love! But as it turned out, she and I found we weren't "the one" for each other that we had felt we were. And so, we went our seperate ways. It was her decision to do so, and I never agreed with it; but life is about licking our wounds, healing, and moving on. However, I must admit that since then, I have discovered that I really miss being in a deep, solid relationship.

It's a very special thing for a man to find a woman to share life with, who is fulfilled by living and loving in a relationship where both give the best they have to each other. And, how great it is for a woman to find that special man who is fulfilled in the same way! They are true partners, who "can't wait" to see each other when they are apart! To me, THAT'S what true romance is all about!

Now, a shameless "plug" for Lake Mead NRA and especially Lake Mohave! There are incredibly diverse features, and if you like romance in nature there are MANY places to find it here. Still, romantic partners need space from one another sometimes, even in the closest of relationships. In a backyard like this, there's AMPLE space!

And fortunately for you, it's ONLY MINUTES from MANY resorts and large resort-casinos you can stay in - at reasonable prices, no less!! So c'mon, let's take a "virtual boat ride"!

Just a few minutes north, by boat, is even more space! It's GREAT fun, "Shakin' the Lake"!

Hop back in the boat and nail it! Fresh water spray soothes the body for a few miles! Then, put in to one of the many coves, and see this!

Back in the boat to explore some more. The sun tans us as the spray cools us for a bit, and we find a picture-perfect place to linger!

Thanks for sharing time with me in my backyard! Now that you know a bit about me, I invite you to discover more! After all, YOU are the reason I built this! The links below will take you to other pages right here on my site, where you can find out just who this earthman really is, and what he's all about! And, there's quite a few links you can click to send me email!

So C'mon Now ... Hang Out With Me For A Little Longer!

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