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What say this comes out weekly--since business is so dynamic--why should you or I wait for a month to see what each other has to say?

Since I don't have paper costs to deal with, and I am my own publisher, I have no wait time--when I have typed and have satisfied myself that what I have is what I want to share, the material is then instantly available to the public--you!

Would you like this to come out weekly? You know, its possible this is the first SEARCH ENGINE reachable entrepreneurial and small business newsletter in the United States! This is entering the WEB right behind Entrepreneurial/Small Business Newsletter, which hasn't “hooked” to any search engines. Let me explain for those of you who can be as picky as I: A search "engine" is what helps one find things on the web. Info Search is the first, least obvious, because it appears whenever one points their mouse's arrow at NET SEARCH, when they come into the WEB. Additional search engines are known as Lycos, Magellan, Altos, Excite, Electric Library and lots of others are actually catalogue cards. As a lecturer on the web, I learned about Small Business and Entrepreneurship newsletter when he had his material listed with Listserv or elsewhere. I typed his URL on the applicable line (the address for those who care, where each page is located within the system). His WEB page came up and I scanned it for content and was impressed. He offered to let me contribute material and as is my way, I have done so. When I went from one computer to another at my local community college (where I have access to many computers and can therefore do extensive research in short periods of time, I had forgotten his newsletter's name. I did a search engine search and found nothing except Canada's Big Deal Newsletter for entrepreneurs. I then went back to my email and re-found his email to me with his page's URL address. I re-found his newsletter and realize that I could beat him. Why is this necessary to share with you--why would I even confide "I'm sneakier than you" approach? It's because F went part way in his marketing and allowed me to advance ahead of him, and he doesn't realize he has allowed this. Many marketers throughout the world also doesn't realize they have let competitors get past them because they do their jobs part way. Why do I volunteer this? Why don't I just gloat quietly that I beat him? Because, according to an author I just read a few months ago, one can use the old way, (compete with everyone hostily) or the newer way, join hands and share methods. Espionage is a dirty business and no one need worry about my business because I feel my power is knowledge and others who don't have my speed and knowledge cannot beat me effectively. They can try and take what I say and beat me to the public, and if they succeed, more power to them and to the consuming public--the people I'm in business to serve! I am going to add bits and pieces of non-business to this newsletter as well and make comments and solicit responses to things that have caused me to wonder for ages about them! I'm also going to seek advice and have a question and answer section. I am also (are you getting tired of the I'ms?) seeking guests for my TV show, and if you are interested in appearing, email or call me. OR, send me a vhs of you asking questions, or doing whatever, and anything I can use I'll edit into my show. If you can help get me onto a local TV station where you live, you can become one of my various executive producers! Hopefully, you will find one that will pay a bit for each episode! Otherwise, oh well... Explain to me why [Q&A]: Why people smoke when they know that 1) it is killing them slowly and at cost to them, it smells horrible and they are hurting their kids. Why drivers tail gate when they could safely just go around the party in front? I drive a slow car (I go the limit but it takes a while to get there). I always use the slower or center lane.

Why business owners complain about federal regulations eating up their profits and yet, don't take all the standard deductions they have available to them? Why business owners often have two sets of books? They think that they musty hide what they do or earn or their families will demand more of them financially or that the government will take it away. I cannot help them with their families (I give as much as possible to my families out of love, not obligation) and the IRS doesn't want one cent it isn't entitled to. If you want to pay zero taxes, and frustrate your banker, you need only approach your tax specialist who understands business and ask, verbatim "what must I do each year to owe zero taxes?" If the tax person says that isn't possible, give me their name and then go to another tax specialist. I'll give them a mini education--they are lazy if they say it isn't possible. Many business owners DON'T WANT TO KEEP RECORDS--which, perhaps unfortunately, is what is necessary in order to prove the legality of owing no taxes. I am audited every few years, takes a few minutes and I still owe no taxes! But, I didn't enter the "no taxes owed" situation naively or frivolously. I knew some people would think I'm a crook until they realized I was legit and have been audited and will continue to be audited. Being audited isn't something to be afraid of! (IT's cost is tax-deductible) Why do some business owners still treat customers like dirt--or that the customer is someone to be tolerated only--not appeased when possible! Why business owners don't trust their own people! The business owners I know say they're are no good mechanics or that waitresses or cooks will only steal or cheat or whatever--take too many breaks! "My costs would go through the roof if I paid minimum wages". Is this a problem? The owner can take home less if it means a $8.50 hr standard of living for good waitresses! Why don't most business owners share their business goals, ideas, problem with their staff--the owner is afraid the employee will "squeal~ --tell the competition. Who is it the owner hired? The leaders of the Hell's Angels? If the owner hired the person, then the owner should trust the employee. Trust or terminate! I really wonder if employers realize employees' main job(s) is to help the owner serve the customer. If the employees are not trustworthy, fire them! Why do many employers say that employees will steal when the opportunity arises and will lie to make themselves look good. That may well be true! Why does the employee lie, unless the employer is a non-trusting type! I would say the employer doesn't know how to hire! People by their original nature are honest and become dishonest when being honest doesn't provide the environment of trust and security they (the employee) had through. Insecure employers hire insecure employees and the idea of fear and distrust is endemic throughout the firm. Trust, on the other hand, begets trust and everyone wins. Why do some employers hire everyone available, take the time to train them without a manual, and just wait to see who will stay. Some employers have 350% employee turnover rates! Not surprising! At the rate some firms go, they will have hired most every assistant manager candidate for their competition over the next 3-5 years, and won't even realize they have done it--though I've told them (and suggested it several times) that he is giving away his profits by his personnel style! They just hire training managers who feel the same way! Wait to see how much spaghetti sticks to the wall is their feeling! This is how hiring costs go up and efficiency and trust erode! I expect them to continue to have horrible turnover problems!

Why are major camera manufacturers jointly making a 24mm electronic film; requiring one to buy new lenses and the film processors needing 100K in processing equipment. I vote bogus. Venture capital I want to crate the world's first venture capital franchise or business--where the "little guy" invests a few hundred dollars and his funds join others and altogether they wind up with $2,500 to no upper limit and I help them invest their money into local start-ups and acquisitions. In this instance, I want the investors to become involved in some weekly respect with the borrower! In the coming weeks, we will be discussing every aspect of business, taking excerpts of my book, Assured Entrepreneurial Success. Your turn: What do you want to say or ask? What I love most is joint venturing with technicians--those who know they want to start a business but are not sure how. I provide the expertise and the real estate equity that they may take cash out of and they arrange with their bank for financing and I negotiate to help buy the kind of business they want and help them open a vision of the acquisition to do their own invention or special thing. I am interested in investing in this manner into businesses in very city of the WORLD! (I have my prejudices--if you are into tobacco, multi-level or arms exporting, don't bother me!) I am searching for a small bank to buy. If you know of any, I will pay a finders fee (or give you stock or whatever) when I purchase it. I also know the world the 1st world (political language) is turning to computers and software in unheard of numbers. But, there are almost no retail consultants to help these firms survive! I just concluded a 3 month study and there is not one new retail management consulting firm in the world that specializes in operations efficiency yet there are thousands of new retail firms needing this help. AT least I am here to help these retailers! I farm out the software programming and make sure it does what the retailer needs! How about sections named: business opportunities I have several joint opportunities available today; 1) an empty 5 story building in N. Michigan, 6 blocks from Lake Superior. It will take about $300K and then, it will be a 70 room apartment complex and video and pizza combination with my consulting office. 2) an empty two story building in Sheffield, Illinois. It houses 3-5 apartments upstairs and where a restaurant used to be will become a mini business embryo (place for new businesses to open up with no operating expenses--I own a piece of each business) and a laundry mat within the same building. 3) a 24 unit motel in Joseph City, Arizona. I also own the dormant auto repair building next door and want to acquire the restaurant building and request it. I own two dormant gold moines with $35M gold; appraised! I own a 74 Lincoln Town car. It is too big for me to drive. I think a young person can use it as a towing vehicle to move elderly people across the city or nation and earn a few dollars doing so. Or, some other purpose. I have also 55 IBM electric typewriters--I bought to originally send them to Mexico and rent them out as used equipment since Mexico has no such business. start-ups: I know of a new video business, that films remotely and can edit same to make good corporate videos or edit these into TV commercials or TV shows. mergers Bryant Fischler, CEO of US Venture Capital Fund, Inc., is always seeking firms who wish to sell for stock. Contact me for Bryand's #. What are your ideas for new sections? education There are perhaps two universities offering retail management degrees throughout the entire nation. Who is supposed to train the assistant managers of tomorrow's retail firms?

My colleagues feel intimidated by WalMart. I'm not. No discounter can overpower a specialty firm and vice-versa. These two retailers serve two different markets. Any merchant who feels threatened need only examine its services and benefits being provided its consumer and learn what merchandise mixes are not offered by the discounter and that have a higher quality level. Inc. Magazine has done many studies and specialty retailing is not dead, nor near dying; it is alive and well with customers seeking higher quality goods and services and is willing to pay for these higher quality benefits. I've been hearing about the computer software industry. It is strong and growing. So is Wall Street, but both are building on fuzzy foundations--I do not buy in the concept that both are providing value for anyone! Sooner or later, like with casinos, the software industry is going to reach a peak of benefit to the consumer and then flatten out in sales and profits. Businesses can only use so much new software! My new URLS will include schools, magazines, hot-hiring employers, seminars and the links I used before I added this page! I feel fine introducing those I went to before, because I might well be using most of them again! ideas on structure of newsletter: newsletter for prospective, current stable and expanding entrepreneurs volume #1, April 1996 at the bottom of the first page, left side; the flag: Entrepreneurial World published by Entrepreneurial Consulting, Inc Phoenix, Az 85015 602-279-0561 electronic subscriptions $60.00 per year 100% satisfaction guaranteed mail subscriptions, $75.00 per year Structural and other changes to the web page and newsletter will be column one, page 1 start-ups will be a mini section in column 2, page 1 expansions and M&As, mini section, column 2, page 1, following start-ups; Whom to stay away from, column 3, page 1 My mom and other parents always told me if I couldn't say anything nice about someone, say nothing. Mom was basically right. However, in most societies, there are those who will exploit the good people; Dealing With Bad Guys and Avoiding the Pitfalls, by Berg and Gralla, in their book How Good buys Grow Rich, suggests maybe we good guys can negatively promote the bad guys so that those who would likely call their respective Better Business Bureau can also get "bad guy" review by looking here. I am starting, today, the "whom to stay away from column, and I invite the bad buys to offer refutation to any comment made here against them. I frankly don't think I will ever hear from the bad guys! My first candidates include; Phoenix Unified School district for allowing its personnel to invite substitute teachers to take on extra classes for overtime pay because the school district will not pay the overtime! The school district will claim the staff at the individual school did not have the authorization to offer the overtime pay! You will have worked for nothing! Water and Ice site on Indian School and 19th ave, Phoenix, Az. The female owner will not warrant (will not replace) her vending machine's dirty water; she will claim the water you might get that is dirty could not have come from her machine! Western Personnel Services on Flower in Phoenix lies about being able to place clerical staff! Don't ask for staff there and don't ask for work there--they will cheat you! Educators stay clear of Educational Management Group on Camelback, Phoenix, Az. Their programs are inadequate, their hiring unprofessional and they lie too! They have cheap systems and will send you negative results of interviews that don't even take place! The Wig Wam Resorts are racist and sexist and generally bigoted! The English manager and Hispanic personnel manager have lots more in common than hiring cheap labor. Vacation elsewhere! Also, The Princess is Bogus as is the Phoenician Resort! Bottom right corner, I want to offer a mini table of contents of each newsletter. On page two, first column can be guest columns from other newsletter writers and other submitters. The first guest column will be from Franciotte on Accounting. Bill Curosh, of Curosh and Williams, can write the law column. Rather than be limited to news groups, I want prospective and current entrepreneurs throughout the world to be able to ask questions which I print here and I will answer the questions or ask friends and other experts to answer these questions. On the last page, I want to place any ads from those who want to market their services; businesses for sale, joint venture opportunities and the like. Anything that isn't MLM. Though I believe I am a very good retail management consultant, I will gladly accept advertisements from other consultants who want to be heard here! rates: .10 a work per issue display, $25 an inch. per column width 1/2 page maximum per customer I accept personal and business ads. The best type of business to enter: Is not the one your neighbors feel will make them or you the most money. It is not the one with the most employees or fewest employees. It is simpler than that: the best type of business to be in is one where your passions lie! An entrepreneur can earn unlimited money doing things he/she LOVES to do, regardless the industry. I involved in fads, but I do not recommend them for most people because they are very likely, without installing some precautions, to evaporate in the middle of the night and one[s work will go out with them and one has nothing remaining except spent time and energy and money! Try and stay away from fads, regardless the sources. If you LOVE a business idea and have researched it with 3+ independent sources, then combine your passion with a business plan and research and HAVE A HAPPY WEDDING! Otherwise, while you seek the best type for business to get into, I have the next to best idea, one that I deduced after 30 years involvement in start-up consulting; create a venture capital fund and I'll be glad to help you! is not one I can sell you or you can buy from another forums: I am waiting to moderate Aztec Computer's first entrepreneurship topic forum. I will discuss anything but MLM! On one of these pages, I will do the new web type of forum response so that when someone responds or asks a question, I want to know who it is. The, I will respond via bulletin board. I will also have a 1 hr chat line nightly or x times a week, where we will have an almost "real time" chat--that means that one types his or her response to a dialogue and presses enter. That response comes from wherever he/she is to me. All the responses come to me. I then type an answer and then, throw the question and my answer open to the public. I thought I created a similar forum with Pathfinder but I cannot find it. Its name was entrepreneurship forum. If you find it, let me know! Military Base Closures I just read Colin Powell's Autobiography, My American Journey. It is easily one of the most enjoyable, top 15 books, I have ever read. I am neither a dove or hawk (military slang for those who like to talk tough and who like to talk gently about going to war against aggressors). I am in favor of professionals who profess to love the work they do and even if distasteful; do what is expected of them under direction by their boss(s). Mr. Powell didn't express much about the closures except to say that he wanted more based closed because he, when Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, could no longer justify specific base operations. Though this chief of soldiers also held an MBA, he did not introduce an economic position which will easily prove why closing bases is BENEFICIAL to all tax payers and even more beneficial to the local citizens. Actually, regardless whether I liked the man or not, the position he took made sense and is something I have discussed for 2 decades to people who know me. My experience includes being an adjunct professor of management and 3 tours in the miliary (trying to gain rank). First, as a teacher, I feel some definitions are necessary. This way, whether you agree with me or not, you will better understand the reasoning behind my stance. First, closed vs open economic system. A closed economic system is most closely compared to the Communistic economic systems; those that had the president, premiere or national leader making all the political and economic rules--who would work where, who would go to school where, what manufacturing plants wold be crated and who would staff them and who could buy from them. The money printed by the federal government held an arbitrary value, and was basically useless outside of the nation. The old Russia, the current China and N. Korea are examples of national closed economic systems. These people do not really want foreigners to come tot heir lands, but they will grudgingly accept foreign investment and loans. These people sell to their own and are basically not interested in the world economy. They make what the leader says they need and either steal technology they feel they need and don't have or reluctantly buy it or trade for it. In no place on earth is there a successful closed economic system. With a closed system, there is no motivation or positive reason for people to save, to be creative or to gain. Jails are full of those people who wanted to "step outside" the system. Now, since we know that some stuff creeps into closed systems, there are no pure open systems either, but democratic, capitalistic systems are closest to them: these nations are concerned with what their people want, hold elections, and build according to both national and world-wide need. How the system gets confused is that with a capitalistic economic system we have free enterprise, profits, creative growth, and the ive things that accompany such and we try to integrate such an open system with a mini-closed system. The closed system I am talking about is one where money comes to a base, be it army, navy marine or coast guard and this money pays for salaries and some locally bought goods. But the system then closes. The populace gets an insurance policy of sorts, but little more. There are no goods or services produced that return to the economy. There are jets that use fuel, ships that use fuel and army bases with trucks that use fuel. Perhaps spare parts, food and services may be the biggest consumable goods on each base. Often, these supplies are trucked in from distant places, with the local community providing few of the services needed. In short, things are brought onto the bases, but other than salaries, the bases do not produce anything usable in the community! If these same bases were all converted into industrial parks, shopping centers, and office complexes, an entirely different scenario would exist: Each business would buy 85-100% of its goods, services and raw materials from local suppliers. Each business would provide a service, good or improved material that others would buy from it, making each dollar go further and provide more jobs, use more services and the cycle would be expanded almost indefinitely. Efficiency would be important and customer service would be critical. Previously, there would be no opportunity or need for tiehr with the lady being used as a base. Also, too often, with an almost unlimited treasury to work with, the military and civilian contractors who were paid disproportional high wages, would now be paid only a competitive wage, since efficiency wold be more important than good-guy salary structures and federal appointments. The land, not previously qualifying as tax assessable, would now earn a tax rate. The toxic dumping that is too common in the military wold be reduced or be eliminated! (it's funny that the EPA ignores operating bases that dump until set for closure, the cost to clean becomes an important issue. I also am amazed that someone came up with billion dollar figures when it came to the cost of cleaning up military bases. I know of no local contractors who were asked to submit bids to clean up bases. This billion dollar figure would come closer to a few hundred thousand dollars to clean up all the cleanable bases in America! (If a bidder is not required to be accountable, why not bid whatever he thinks he can get away with?) Communities across America need only examine the private use of each military base, be it a naval, air or ground-purpose base. When the benefits to the community from exclusive civilian enterprise are compared to the military uses and cost-expense ratios are examined, each community will scramble;e to have each base closed quickly and such closures will provide from tens of thousands to tens of millions of new tax and employment dollars and fewer security risks to the community! Curosh: Here are some ideas for your practice for 1996: I visualize Curosh and Williams being restructured thusly: Tax work General Legal Real Estate Securities No changes in the regular tax and legal work. 1) you study real estate and securities courses and pass the real estate brokers and mortgage brokers tests for their respective licenses so that you can Real estate mortgage work: There is unlimited $ in buying OR s elling discounted notes. There is an unlimited profitable market for this.(One guy claims he nets $1M a month with them!) Of course, you would also want to teach vanilla real estate renewal and mortgage courses for one of the title agencies and real estate schools. We could do it as a team; the way to market the notes by me and the legal issues by you. There are very few real estate attorney s in the valley. You would get extra work by offering to teach these classes (seldom do fewer than 100 people show up for each 3 hour class). Securities (public offerings); With the number of firms going public, you open up a securities division, doing both legal and auditing work for papers going to the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission). Instead of charging $15-25K, I would recommend you either include doing all the tax work for no extra fee, charging the same as those who only do the legal work) or discount your services to 20% below what the competition is charging because there is untapped business that cannot afford these fees. Also, you would have the only firm in Arizona that would be able to do the auditing work for an SEC filing! I bet you would enter the $5M billing arena within 90 days! Specialty marketing of real estate services to divorce attorneys-- takes your real estate legal skills into account. For example; we make available, to divorce attorneys representing respondents, the following program I created, a few years ago: (because there are multitudes of income properties available nationwide for pennies on the dollar [compared to original prices] in disrepair) I make them available as a partnership or whatever to the respondent in divorce cases. The respondent prepares to ac-quire these, and I set up a management company so the respondent and petitioner have no concerns about tenants and revneue). These properties, 85+ % full with mortgages on them, are given to petitioners on a life-estate, with reversion. The income from these properties (and the federal and state tax work for the petitioner is done by you included in the settlement) goes exclusively to the petitioner in exchange for an agreement from the petitioner that the petitioner agrees not to seek any further funds from the respondent. Upon the petitioner no longer qualifying for alimony or child-support payments, the property reverts back to the respondent. Since there are millions of divorces a year nation-wide, I would have a realty department, under service to you, that exclusively provided various sizes of properties to respondents so that the petitioner would take nothing from the respondent`s pocket at any time! The petitioner in reality forgoes further legal claims in exchange for a life estate in the applicable number of properties so that I get a real estate commission, I buy a rehab company and get it business via doing the rehab work, you get the real estate legal forms (with me doing most of them) to satisfy the divorce attorney, and the petitioner gets conditional income for life and the respondent need come out of pocket for anytime (we can of course, help the respondent acquire other real estate to pay the legal fees we incur!) LWhat say this newsletter comes out weekly--since business is so dynamic--why should you or I wait for a month to see what each other has to say? Since I don't have paper costs to deal with, and I am my own publisher, I have no wait time--when I have satisfied myself that what I have typed is what I want to share, the material is then instantly available to you, the public!ENTREPRENEURIAL WORLD NEWSLETTER 2nd edition 12/6/97 What say this newsletter comes out weekly--since business is so dynamic--why should you or I wait for a month to see what each other has to say? Since I don't have paper costs to deal with, and I am my own publisher, I have no wait time--when I have satisfied myself that what I have typed is what I want to share, the material is then instantly available to you, the public! Would you like this to come out weekly? You know, its possible this is the first entrepreneurial/ small business newsletter in the world “hooked” to SEARCH ENGINES. Let me explain for those of you who can be as picky as I: A search "engine" is what helps one find things on the web. Search engines, such as Lycos, Magellan, Altos, Excite, Electric Library and lots of others are actually catalogue cards. Each “search request” causes a search engine to customize a list of URLs (web pages) that supposedly match what the seeker typed in where the applicable engine has a mini horizontal window seeking your typed search request. As a lecturer on the use of the web, I talk about newsletters listed on the web by doing such a “search”. When, for example, you want to find MY (this) newsletter on the web, you: go to OPEN site and type in I did one search and found Canada's Big Deal Newsletter for entrepreneurs. Why is this necessary to share with you? It's because most people who have web pages don’t take the time to “hook them up” with search engines. If I didn’t hook this one up, you couldn’t find me during a search engine search! So what? If you are trying to do your best with your marketing, many marketers throughout the world also doesn't realize they have let competitors get past them because they do their jobs part -way. Why do I volunteer this? Because, according to an author I just read a few months ago, one can use the old way, (compete with everyone hostily) or the newer way, join hands and share methods. Espionage is a dirty business and no one need worry about my business because I feel my power is knowledge and others who don't have my speed and knowledge cannot beat me effectively. They can try and take what I say and beat me to the public, and if they succeed, more power to them and to the consuming public--the people I'm in business to serve! I am going to add bits and pieces of non-business to this newsletter as well and make comments and solicit responses to things that have caused me to wonder for ages about them! I'm also going to seek advice and have a question and answer section. I am also (are you getting tired of the I'ms?) seeking guests for my TV show, and if you are interested in appearing, email or call me. OR, send me a VHS tape of you asking questions, or doing whatever, and anything I can use I'll edit into my show. If you can help get me onto a local TV station where you live, you can become one of my various executive producers! Hopefully, you will find one that will pay a bit for each episode! Otherwise, oh well..(Temporarily on hold) Explain to me why [Q&A]: Peo People smoke when they know that 1) it is killing them slowly and at cost to them, it smells horrible and they are hurting their kids. Drivers tail gate when they could safely just go around the party in front? I drive a slow car (I go the limit but it takes a while to get there). I always use the slower or center lane. Business owners complain about federal regulations eating up their profits and yet, don't take all the standard deductions they have available to them? Business owners often have two sets of books? They think that they must hide what they do or earn or their families will demand more of them financially or that the government will take it away. I cannot help them with their families (I give as much as possible to my families out of love, not obligation) and the IRS doesn't want one cent it isn't entitled to. If you want to pay zero taxes, and frustrate your banker, you need only approach your tax specialist who understands business and ask, verbatim "what must I do each year to owe zero taxes?" If the tax person says that isn't possible, give me their name and then go to another tax specialist. I'll give them a mini education--they are lazy if they say it isn't possible. Many business owners DON'T WANT TO KEEP RECORDS--which, perhaps unfortunately, is what is necessary in order to prove the legality of owing no taxes. I am audited every few years, takes a few minutes and I still owe no taxes! But, I didn't enter the "no taxes owed" situation naively or frivolously. I knew some people would think I'm a crook until they realized I was legit and have been audited and will continue to be audited. Being audited isn't something to be afraid of! (its cost is tax-deductible) Why do some business owners still treat customers like dirt--or is if the customer is someone to be tolerated only--not appeased when possible! Why don’t business owners trust their own people! The business owners I know say they're are no good mechanics or that waitresses or cooks will only steal or cheat or whatever--take too many breaks! "My costs would go through the roof if I paid minimum wages". Is this really a problem? The owner can take home less if it means an $8.50 hr standard of living for good waitresses! Why don't most business owners share their business goals, ideas, problem with their staff? It seems many owners are afraid employees will "steal or squeal --tell the competition the owner’s secrets. Who is it the owner hired? The leaders of the Hell's Angels? If the owner hired the person, then the owner should trust the employee. Trust or terminate! I really wonder if employers realize employees' main job(s) is/are/ to help the owner serve the customer. If the employees are not trustworthy, fire them! Why do many employers say that employees will steal when the opportunity arises and will lie to make themselves look good. That may well be true! Why does the employee lie, unless the employer is a non-trusting type! I would say the employer doesn't know how to hire! People, by their original nature, are honest and BECOME dishonest when being honest doesn't provide the environment of trust and security the employee needs. Insecure employers hire insecure employees and the idea of fear and distrust is endemic throughout such firms. Trust, on the other hand, begets trust and everyone wins. Why do some employers hire everyone available, take the time to train them without a manual, and just wait to see who will stay. Some employers have 350% employee turnover rates! Not surprising! At the rate some firms go, they will have hired most every assistant manager candidate for their competition over the next 3-5 years, and won't even realize they have done it--though I've told them (and suggested it several times) that they give away their profits by negative management styles! Such insecure owners often hire training managers who feel the same way-- wait to see how much “spaghetti” sticks to the wall! This is how hiring costs go up and efficiency and trust erode! I expect such employers to continue to have horrible staff turnover problems! Why are major camera manufacturers jointly making a 24mm electronic film; requiring one to buy new lenses with film processors needing 100K in processing equipment. I vote bogus. Venture capital I want to crate the world's first venture capital franchise or business--where the "little guy" invests a few hundred dollars and his funds join others and altogether they wind up with $2,500 (with no upper limit) and I help them invest their money in local start-ups and acquisitions. In this instance, I want the investors to become involved in some respect, weekly, with the borrower! In the coming weeks, we will be discussing every aspect of business, taking excerpts of my book, Assured Entrepreneurial Success. Your turn: What do you want to say or ask? What I love most is joint venturing with technicians--those who know they want to start a business but are not sure how to do it. I provide the expertise and the real estate equity from which they may take cash out and they arrange with their bank for financing (and I negotiate to help buy the kind of business they want and help them open a vision of the acquisition to do their own invention or special thing). I am interested in investing in this manner into businesses in very city of the WORLD! (I have my prejudices--if you are into tobacco, multi-level marketing or arms exporting, don't bother me!) I am searching for a small bank to buy. If you know of any, I will pay a finders fee (or give you stock or whatever) when I purchase it. I also know the world the 1st world (political language) is turning to computers and software in unheard of numbers. But, there are almost no retail consultants to help these firms survive! I just concluded a 3 month study and there is not one new retail management consulting firm in the world that specializes in operations efficiency, yet there are thousands of new retail firms needing this help. At least I am here to help these retailers! (I farm out any needed software program-ming and make sure such programs do what the retailer needs! How about we have sections in this newsletter named: Business Opportunities I have several joint opportunities available today; 1) an empty 5 story building in N. Michigan, 6 blocks from Lake Superior that will take about $300K to rehabilitate and then, it will be a 70 room apartment complex with video and pizza combination with my consulting office. 2) a 24 unit motel in Joseph City, Arizona. I also own the dormant auto repair building next door and want to acquire the restaurant building and restore it. 3) I own three dormant gold mines with $85M gold; appraised! 4) I own a 74 Lincoln Town car. It’s too big for me to drive. I think a young person can use it as a towing vehicle to move elderly people across the city or nation and earn a few dollars doing so. Or, some other purpose. I have also 55 IBM electric typewriters--I bought to originally send them to Mexico and rent them out as used equipment since Mexico has no such business. Start-ups: I know of a new video business, that films remotely and can edit same to make good corporate videos or edit these into TV commercials or TV shows. Mergers IÕm always seeking companies to buy, using my equity or a client’s public stock! What are your ideas for new sections? Education There are perhaps two universities offering retail management degrees throughout the entire nation. (Entrepreneurs’ University is one) Who is supposed to train the assistant managers of tomorrow's retail firms? My colleagues feel intimidated by WalMart. I'm not. No discounter can overpower a specialty firm and vice-versa. These two retailers serve two different markets. Any merchant who feels threatened need only examine its services and benefits being provided its consumer and learn what merchandise mixes are not offered by the discounter and that have a higher quality level. Inc. Magazine has done many studies and specialty retailing is not dead, nor near dying; it is alive and well with customers seeking higher quality goods and services and is willing to pay for these higher quality benefits. I've been hearing about the computer software industry. It is strong and growing. So is Wall Street, but both are building on fuzzy foundations--I do not buy into the concept that both are providing much real value for anyone! Sooner or later, like with casinos, the software industry is going to reach a peak of benefit to the consumer and then flatten out in sales and profits. Businesses can only use so much new software! This newsletters will introduce new URLS to include schools, magazines, hot-hiring employers, seminars and the links I used before I added this page!! Ideas on structure of newsletter: This newsletter will be for prospective, current stable and expanding entrepreneurs This is volume 2, volume #1, came out in April 1996 Structural and other changes to the web page and newsletter will be column one, page 1. Start-ups will be a mini section in column 2, page 1 Expansions and M&As, mini section, column 2, page 1, following start-ups; Whom I will try to stay away from, column 3, page 1 My mom and other parents always told me if I couldn't say anything nice about someone, say nothing. Mom was basically right. However, in most societies, there are those who will exploit the good people; Dealing With Bad Guys and Avoiding the Pitfalls, by Berg and Gralla, in their book How Good Guys Grow Rich, suggests maybe those who would likely call their respective Better Business Bureau can also get "bad guy" reviewed by looking here. I am starting, today, the "whom to stay away from column, and I invite the bad buys to offer refutation to any comment made here against them. I frankly don't think I will ever hear from the “bad” guys! My first candidates include: Phoenix Unified School district for allowing its personnel to invite substitute teachers to take on extra classes for overtime pay because the school district will not pay the overtime! The school district claims the staff at the individual schools do not have the authorization to offer overtime pay! You will have worked for nothing! Water and Ice site on Indian School and 19th Ave, who moved to Osborn and 7th Ave., Phoenix, Az. The female owner will not warrant (replace) her vending machine's dirty water; she will claim the water you might get that is dirty could not have come from her machine! Western Personnel Services on Flower St., in Phoenix lies about being able to place clerical staff! Don't ask for staff there and don't ask for work there--they will cheat you! Educators stay clear of Educational Management Group on Camelback, Phoenix, Az. Their programs are inadequate, their hiring unprofessional and they lie too! They have cheap systems and will send you negative results of interviews that don't even take place! The Wig Wam Resorts are racist and sexist and generally bigoted! The English manager and Hispanic personnel manager have lots more in common than hiring cheap labor. Vacation elsewhere Phoenician Resorts are Bogus! o an! S Kevin Kemper, President, Entrepreneurial Consulting, Inc., Phoenix, Az.
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