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Imagine an Earth several million years ago, if it is possible. An Earth devoid of MAN or any other remotely intelligent life for that matter; Now imagine Mars. No, not the Mars you think you know, not the dead, red planet, but a vast, lush planet full of life. This is the planet Michael kane discovered, on accident. Mars, with it’s purple sky, bright yellow sun, red ferns, and multi-colored landscape. A land found only in dreams, a land plagued by an inevitable death that it’s inhabitants knew nothing about, or how to correct it. Perhaps mars is but a mirror of Earth’s future. The people of Mars, or Vashu as they called it, were a beautiful people divided into a few small city-states, living a civilised, yet almost fedual existence with their neighbors. Imagine again, a race even older and more advanced than our own...then imagine them dying!

Included are links to an adjusted Cliffhangers adventure I ran which combined ideas from each of the three Michael Kane Mars stories.

Wandering Monsters
Introduction Adventure
Lair of the Yakasha
City of Spiders
Assault on Mendishar!!

The Morphail Effect