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The Guild of Temporal Adventurers

The Guild of Temporal Adventurers, at current is led by Una Persson and Captain Oswald Bastable. Their jobs are to ensure that would-be time travelers do not inadvertently or purposely upset the balance of the Multiverse. They often travel between worlds and times rescuing hapless souls and correcting the wrongs they make in their own ignorance of the Mutiverse. There are many members of the GTA, and each one has his or her own lot and idiosyncrasies to match! They monitor as much of the Multiverse as they can from their headquarters, The Time Center. A large portion of the center was built or are least designed by Professor Morphail aided by Professor Faustaff. Both men have studied and attempted to control the time flow, both know it is a futile attempt and they have consigned themselves to at least trying to slow down the oncoming devastation of all we know, and all we may never know. Their theories include that time is cyclic and that time itself reaches out and reclaims travelers, much as a body’s anti-viruses attack a foreign cell. These are the core beliefs behind the ‘Morphail[hail Effect’. These beliefs founded the center and are the basis for which the GTA itself stand. Members of the GTA are often called upon to dare time to clean up an oil spill at the Paleozoic period or find an 9mm Berretta at 1817, etc. All of their equipment is biodegradable and they never wear anything that cannot be explained away rationally and quickly, well almost never.
