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Frames Per Second is in no way affiliated with any of the companies other than Angelfire. Please DO NOT click on any of the above banners.

Hey! Check out the new section!

* dedicated to rock and techno * focusing on the independent and underground *

UPDATE: Frames Per Second will be temporarily out of service due to a massive hard drive failure. I am working on retrieving all my data, some of which may exist only as hard copies or not at all. I apologize for the inconvenience. All past data are still accessible in the Archives area. When we are up and running look forward to album reviews for:
Alone With Everybody - Richard Ashcroft
Clubnights v.01 - Kimball Collins
Holly's Song - BLUE
Selmasongs - Bjork
Bridging the Gap - Black Eyed Peas
Kid A - Radiohead
and The Mysteries Within - Mars.
Thanks for hanging in there!

- updated Oct 12-

Frames Per Second is a proud sponsor of:

This page designed by Aram J. French: artist and professional thinking person.

This page has been visited times since March 25, 1998.

© 1998, 1999, 2000 Frames Per Second
Album artwork is property of respective owners.
No material on this site may be copied without my consent. Some images on this site may look stupid if viewed with the AOL browser.