~So don't cry to me ohhh baby. Your future is in a Oblong Box!~

“What do you all think you have to gain?”

We fade in on the Ataxia “world”. The decrepit Tim Burton nightmare world of towering spires of garbage. Ataxia walks thru it carrying a shovel with a lantern on it. As he walks we see broken things that use to matter. Broken CWF titles. Pictures of former opponents. It's all garbage. He stops and turns to the camera.

“So let's clear up a few things. This match means nothing right. No points. Nothing that matter to any of you. I got five men in this match who want to rip my head off. Two of them are forced to work with me, but they are not anything to actually be afraid of. Sean Fuller and Pandalike are both just trying to surive. Sean wants to run his mouth about me so he can get a boost up. Don't worry. I'm everyone's favorite thing to suck off. My name on your lips, much like the shame of what you just did, will boost your popularity. Then again...we also have the three who I have to defeat to win right? We got Silas, JoJo, and Hoyt.”

Ataxia smiles as he comes to a broken bird cage with a white bird's feather. He spits on it.

“That was a funny gag wasn't it Silas. I love how the tables have turned. Without my friends here you seem to have lost your way a bit. Gone is the braggard and now is the humble stratigest. Trying to make sure I don't get into your head. No worries. I'm already there, because out of all three of the men on your team...I am the one that you know is the most dangerous. You've seen me at my best and now you can only imagine the depravity of just how far I am willing to go to break every single one of you fuckers in half like a god damn pencil. Remember when you beat up that staff member and everyone backstage pretty much told you in no uncertain terms that you were persona non grata? That means, no one wants to be around you Joeseph. Pay attention will you ya slow sack of shit. You see out of all three of these I at least have respect for you, but you know me. I'm going to tear this place apart and if you have learned anything in your time here...you know to not be on the recieveing end of this. Bow out...before I hurt you. This is your only mercy you will get. The rest of your trio of terror...”

Ataxia licks his shovel and holds up a bible.

“Hello Hoyt. How goes the business of trying to be some psuedo jesus going for you? Oh don't worry...I'm not going to go off on you about god and other types of shit this time. No. I'm just going to reiterate everything I plan to do to you...starting with cornholing you in the eye with a curling iron. You see Hoyt. Everyone says I'm a liar. Everyone says I'm a fake. All because of the mask, but you. You remind me so much of Jaiden that I just want to punch you so hard your head goes into the cheap seats...so why not now. I know Silas wants to rip you a new one and I know you want to rip Silas a new one, but if you see me...I suggest you just drop on your back and maybe I'll take it easy on you. You know. Your back. The one position besides bitch that you are actually some competent in. Oh I know you're going to wait till the last minute to say something Hoyt and I don't care. No one cares about you. That's what you can't stand. An attention whore without something to slide down on. That is Hoyt Williams. Now onto someone who actually seems a bit of a challenge...”

Ataxia licks the bible and then throws it over his shoulder. He digs thru the rubbish and finds Strike Force Towers titles. He then tosses them over in the dirt with the rest of the shit.

“Someone's been reading wikipedia so much that I think I should ask them for their sources because they are about as incorrect as a freshman's fucking god damn report for plagiarism. You see. You think you know me because you know my history. But if you knew my history you'd know that SFT and Boardwalk were held partially by someone else wearing the mask. After the original tournament I left and someone else took over carrying the banner because my whole goal in SFT was just one thing. Bring back CWF. How fucking stupid was that right? But you say you know me. Fine. You say you're going to rip me apart and yet where were you last week?

Ataxia taps the side of his head.

“It's easy to come in fresh and try to talk shit because you think someone is hurt. You think someone hasn't already anticipated something like that. Hell I busted up Panda's knee so I know you're going to go after that and he might just turn on me and Fuller just to be a dick, but you know something JoJo...I think what I am going to enjoy the most about this match is watching you fucking think you've won. You think you know me because you think you can learn everything about me from videos and promos. The fact is Jojo...you don't know what's coming. You see this as a tournament. I don't. I don't care about the world or paramount titles. I care about shutting this place down. And to do so...win or lose...that's what you should be concerned about. So why don't you pull a Dan Ryan and take your ball and leave when things don't go your way. It's about your speed. Why do I say that. Well Jaiden does tend to hire people who have that nasty habit. That habit of bailing when the going gets tough. You see. You probably said something that pissed him off and he went...you know what...I know Tax wants to rip my head off and shit down my neck....but I wanna see him hurt this guy first. You say you want to destroy me. What do you have? Who I am under this mask...none of you know. It doesn't matter. My legacy? Jaiden already took that. I have no love in my life anymore. I have no friends. I have nothing...I am The Forsaken that stayed...because I'm going to burn this place to the fucking ground and if you, your teammates, or my own want to try and stop me...go for it...I promise...It'll be the last damn thing you do. But you know this because you know my motto. Even if I lose...I still win...AHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAA....”

Fade to static...
