My new ebook, Mind Bending Musings: A Poetry Collection, is out for the Amazon Kindle!

Mind Bending Musings is the debut collection from American poet Ashleigh Nussbaum. In this stunning collection of poetry, Nussbaum twists reality to let the reader see the classic themes of love, heartbreak and social misanthropy in a new light. With a direct, yet endearing, approach the reader is shown a world which, is at times shocking, but all the while incredibly real and true to life.

Ashleigh Nussbaum was born in Naperville, IL in 1984. Residing in Midwest America most of her life, her true passion for poetry began with an assignment from a high school English teacher introducing her to Edna St. Vincent Millay. She has since found poetry to be a lifetime love. Among many inspirational poets are E.E. Cummings, Edgar Allen Poe, Shakespeare, Bob Dylan and Carl Sandburg. She states, "Writing poetry is painting in the mind of the reader and expressing emotions in the reader's chest."

Buy it here!


Lump of Soul

The world is spinning

The wind is blowing
The stars are twinkling
The moon is glowing

What am I on such a night
But a speck of carbon
On a life-infested planet

What am I on such a night
But a single heart beating
Among 7 billion homo-sapiens

What am I on such a night

But a lump of soul
In a flesh-clad skeleton

Peering Through the Hourglass

Peering through the hourglass
I catch a glimpse of time

It stops just for a moment

Silent as a mime

Dancing rather mockingly

 Around my vanquished dreams
Nostalgia creeps into my mind
And tears it at the seams
While once I was so winsome
With each passing day

Time stole my innocence
And gave my youth away

Blank Page

Blank page how I defile you

Grappling for graffiti of the mind

 I mark and brand
Pee in the sand
Stamp my worthlessness
Like a seal of disapproval

 Across your purity

Your absolute void

The white-washed page
Before me
Before me

Was full of minimalistic perfection
Perhaps waiting for conception
Like a virgin's erection
Needing direction

Buy the full book here!

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