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Webdesign 21A - Assignments

Assignment1Assignment2 Assignment3
Assignment4 MidtermAssignment5
 Final Project

Assignment 1

click here for food page

click here for book shop page

click here for music page

Assignment 2

click here for Desertpage

click here for table page

click here for proto_med page

click here for beta hit page

click here for checkbook page

click here for brake system page

Assignment 3

click here for Teas page

click here for Airline page

Assignment 4

click here for Teas page with graphic/links( ex4.1)

click here for tea splash page (ex4.2)

click here for classifieds page

click here for classifieds page with css (ex4.4)

click here for food page (ex4.3)

click here for food page with css (ex4.5)


click here for Midterm web Page

Assignment 5

click here for Manufacturing division

click here for Reseller site

click here for Internet conference

My Project

click here for my Project