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Lookups I have made:

my_baby_draik (FQD)
Burning_super_nova (it changes)
spankiegurl (Baby Usul)
petlover_mnk (Tinkerbell)
msnicishere (Faerie Shoyru)
toshia889 (Baby Scorchio)

Hello, welcome to my Neo-Userlookup page! This page is INCREDIBLY ugly right now, bear with me. You can use any of these, or I will make you a lookup. If you request something, it can be ANYTHING you want and look ANY WAY you want, I can do EVERYTHING. Coming Soon- more lookups, thumbnail pictures.

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Baby Usul Lookup

Baby Scorchio Lookup:

Baby Eyrie

FQD Lookup, for my_baby_draik:
FFCCFF(border), B452CD(b), 9966CC(text), 9966CC (background)

Tinkerbell Lookup

These are FULL lookups. They have all your info in scroll boxes on a large background. They look great, but constrict your writing space a bit.

Flotsam Lookup

Evil Full Lookup:

Meepit Lookup:

Baby White Tiger Lookup:

Custom Baby White Tiger Lookup:

Garin Lookup

Napoleon Dynamite

Harry Potter

Faerie Pteri

Lookups I am in the process of making:
sarahlvspink-Rainbow Lenny
saf9950- I dont know...
idontcare8792- Meepit
kayleeshia- Faerie Baabaa