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Aunt Bill at 101 years old is alive and happy and living with me in New York. The sacrifice and toll have been tremendous. This role of caregiving was not one I choose for myself. I could not turn my back and leave her in the conditions that existed. Things are not perfect,but she is alive, healthy, happy and clean. She goes out to lunch, dinner for manicures and pedicures. She takes short walks with her "Rolls Royce" of a walker. The weekend before Thanksgiving,she prepared a Mrs. Smith Dutch Crumb Apple Pie for the oven. She is proud of her accomplishment. Some days are better than others and we do the best we can. She is back in her beloved New York just as she always wanted. When I could no longer remain with her , it was her decision to come to New York with me rather than have me leave her there. I pray that if I come to a point where I need help, someone will love me enough watch over me. I pray all of us will have someone to watch over us. HAPPY NATIONAL CAREGIVERS MONTH. (November) December, 2006: Actually Aunt Bill will be 101 shortly. It seemed like a good idea to gather what relatives together to celebrate. Life is short (except if you are 100 years old)and too short for petty foolishness, so I tell myself, let's get as many of the few of us left together to break bread with the last of the "elders". Then something interesting happens and someone pops up with something stupid, ugly and mean to remind me that I am not as smart as I'd like to think I am. That's too sad for me and too bad for those who care more for what they think I may have than for having the opportunity to say what may be the last "goodbye". How very sad for them. While life has indeed been hell taking care of Aunt Bill, and restoring her dignity as a beautiful lady and human being, it has also been extraordinarily sweet and humbling. Aunt Bill is brave, delightful and very gracious. Being with her has certainly slowed me down and has given me the opportunity to experience great joy such as that when we ride around the neighborhood at night gasping at the beautiful christmas lights we see on the houses. Each house sparkling brighter than the last. There is no way anyone can possibily understand the quiet weeping of joy and peace unless you have actually experienced such simple sweetness. I am grateful for the reawaking of my gentle spirit and heart. Caring for Aunt Bill has increased my humanity and my spirituality even in the face of being up to my elbows in "poop" from trying to keep her fresh as a daisy. After all I have been through, I don't think I could have imagined anything more...Well, I never could have imagined the pain and the joy of loving and caring for Aunt Bill. And so as we approach the Christmas season, let me leave you with words from a song I heard years ago. As best I can recall the song sung by Johnny Mathias says, "Its not what you do at Christmas, the Christmas things you do all year long,". God bless! YOUR COMMENTS ARE WELCOME
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Christmas Greetings 
Dec., 2006 It seems a good idea to share with friends how wonderful Aunt Bill is doing with a photo. So decided to use one as a Christmas card. When Iasked Aunt Bill what she would like to say on her Christmas card, she said without hesitation, "Best wishes for the best year". Peace on Earth and Good Will to All. (c)Lani Russell Lewter

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