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                                       Getting Started

Not only does an artist have to worry about if their drawings are done correctly, but they also have to figure out paneling. The panels that are incasing the picture is an art of its own. An artist must remember that they need to not only be creative with what is inside of the panel, but also where they are going to be placed. Having the same format of panels each time is not too exciting, we need to keep the reader interested, so each page's format should be different. What are some good manga's to study panel art from? Why all of Yu Watase's work of course! Her panels have this beautiful flow to it that seems as if the manga is an animation of itself. Many artists have the mistake of having their mangas look choppy, which makes the story hard to follow.

Okay... so after each chapter is written out, the artists will start their storyboards. If you have a page limit, then what you can do is divide a regular notebook paper into six pages and fill out where panels will be and about where characters will be located in them. If there is no page limit, then you can go on to the draft right before the manuscript paper... (not sure how to explain that) Anyways, just use regular lined paper for this, you do not need to waste nice un-lined paper. (If you are cool, you will dedicate a whole 70 sheet notebook to it. ^_^) Here's an example of what it can look like: -Edit- I forgot to mention, this example is suppose to be looked at in the original Japanese format, right to left....

On the sketched paper, try not to put too much detail, because it's ment for it to be a quick sketch in order to get an idea of how it will look on the real manuscript.

Above is the outline of the panels on actual manga manuscript paper scanned in. It is B5 size (7 1/8 x 10 1/8, which is used for amateur magazines. For KHACMS, however, we might use B4 size, which is what professinals use (10 1/8 x 14 3/8). I contrasted the picture in order to have the rulers on the border of the picture to be visible, because usually when scanned in, it shouldn't show up.

Aways when starting to draw on the manuscript paper you need to make the panels first. DRAW LIGHT IN PENCIL ALWAYS!!! It is extremely hard to get the lines to be perfectly vertical or horizontal, so be creative and find a way to get them to be straight... (I am too tired to explain the different methods... oh well...) What I do is get this homework board that I have which has this little rim around it, then I place the paper exactly lined up with the sides so it is straight, and then I will get a ruler and line it up too, so that way it will keep both of them together (total run-on sentence...).

When starting the characters it is vital that you place circles where all the joints are, and the head. I used to never use them myself, but once I figured out how to use it correctly, it is very useful.(The circle method will be explained in another tutorial). DRAW LIGHT!

Now you can add the head, and other outlines... (See Hair Tutorial and Face Tutorial ) Try not to put too many details yet incase you have to erase it all and redo it. DRAW LIGHT!

In this step little details are filled in. DRAW LIGHT! On the middle panel, where it shows a close-up of the girls face, I did it wrong. The nose should be lined up with the bottom of the circle, not the mouth. Also, on th bottom, left hand panel, the circle that represents the guy's head is too small for how I him. So now that you see my mistakes, you are saying, "Why do that circle thing when it gets done wrong anyway?" Well, the reasons why they are wrong was because I drew this page off a real manga (Peach Girl), and instead, I changed the charaters and what they are saying. I was too busy at the moment to think of my own one... So, since I was looking at a direct reference, I wasn't following the circles so much.... sorry about the confusion...


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