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The Plato Project: Ion Saliu's essay on Philosopy & Gambling

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The Plato Project: Ion Saliu's essay on Philosopy & Gambling<

(round and round it goes...) Mirrored from: [Ion Saliu's site]

Return To Socrates: Ideas, Philosophy, Science,

Gambling, Software

By Ion Saliu, Thinker At-Large

The content of this site is inspired by Socrates, the wisest of the mortals and gods ever. I worship no gods here, nor do I worship humans. I only draw your attention to Socrates' dialectical method: Everything is a unity of two opposites. At the very beginning of the end there is the very end of the beginning: Infinity and Nothingness. Expansion created by the Big-Bang followed by Implosion created by the Big-Crunch and so on for ever and never. If A is legitimate, non-A must have legitimacy as well. For there is no logical foundation for the expression only A is legitimate; or, only Opposite-A is legitimate. I synthesize these statements in the Fundamental Formula of Philosophy (FF0): Creation = Destruction There are no principles (forces, in terms of physics) above or more general than Creation and Destruction. The creation of creation is still creation; the destruction of destruction is still destruction. At the next lower level, there is the unity of the opposites Energy and Matter. Matter represents relatively static states of Energy. We may write the next lower level Fundamental Formula (FF1) as: E*D = M*L (Energy Times Darkness = Matter Times Light). • I try to illustrate all this briefly via the science of gambling and snippets of computational psychology, philosophy. For gambling reflects so well the Socratic dichotomy: win and loss expressed in marvelous numeric relations. Very much as in life. C'est la vie... Please read on, for you will discover a mighty formula that can make a difference to your bottom line (Gambling Formula). While on this subject, get yourself a free winning lotto system or strategy as well. The page also features the best lotto and lottery numbers generator. The combinations generated are highly optimized. In 2003 (3 WE) the casinos obstructed me. They asked me to stop playing while using my systems. • Read on how some try to impose a ban on reason, science, and intelligence. (“The Science of Winning And The Law”, also accessible from the forum.) We follow next our dichotomy in human life. Not to shock anyone, I represent here the following paradigm: Humans as living computers (Computational Psychology). Frankly, the most truthful definition of humans is (you heard it first here, do not blame anyone else): humans are computing beasts. Orig site: [Complete text, and his links, etc]