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Jambo people!

In 2007, 2 young Aussie girls decided to go to Africa together.

On a lazy winter weekend, whilst pouring over reading material about their trip, they stumbled across a charity in Uganda that was doing some remarkable things. Soft Power Education was changing the lives of Ugandan children by building schools, providing resources and training teachers… offering the opportunity for quality, free education.

These same 2 girls asked themselves a question. How could they raise money for a thoroughly deserving charity in a way that was so unique it would not only raise some much needed cash, but quite a few eyebrows as well?

The germ of an idea to do something different, sprouted legs and turned into one almighty plan: to grab 6 friends, wrestle in a pool of mud, and raise £1000 for Soft Power Education.

The event was a huge success. The girls gave the £1000 to Soft Power Education, and witnessed first-hand how their contribution had achieved some tangible results.



A year on, between two thoroughly determined organisers (an Aussie and a Manc!) and a handful of enthusiastic supporters, a decision was made.

The wrestle for Charity was to be brought back. Bigger and better than ever before.

This time, the target is higher, and the ambition stronger. We want to raise £3000 for Soft Power Education, and we want to do it in style.

What will £3000 mean to Soft Power Education?
To give you an idea:
£5 = Enough money to buy a shovel or 4Litres of paint
£10 = A tradesman’s wage for 1 week
£20 = 6 tonnes of building sand
£50 = A 1,000litre water catchment tank
£100 = 3 teachers’ wages
£1000 = total refurbishment of a 2 classroom primary school block

For the ladies....
We’ll be auctioning off a very sexy professional rugby player to one lucky lady, so make sure you bring enough cash to win this hunk-of-burning-love! Plus, there are a lot of other very sexy surprises instore.

How can you help?
We’d love for you to come down and witness our wrestlers get down and dirty. This time….in oil! We’ll be getting ready to slip’n’slide at the
Manchester Quay St. Walkabout from 7pm, on 1st August.

Entry costs a mere £5 if bought in advance, or £6 on the door. Make sure you get there early to enjoy half price drinks will be half price from 5pm-10pm.

If you’re out of the city, out of the country, or have a remarkably good excuse not to make it, then any contribution you can make on this website in support of this remarkable charity event is much appreciated!

Thanks in advance for all of your contributions. Now is the time to make a real difference in the lives of Ugandan school children, and the broader Ugandan community. Every penny counts!!!

Tickets are selling really fast so contact Jess and Jen @ to reserve your ticket(s) in advance, alternatively we are holding 100 tickets on the door so get there early, doors open at 7pm!


Jen & Jess xx


Website design by Claire