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My name is Dianne Bey. When I started this website in April 2005, I did not use Dreamweaver, so some of the html is a bit basic. This week I am in Salt Lake City looking for a teaching job or an instructional design job and hope to get one soon.

See my blog at Click here to see digidi.blogspot

This website instructs, guides and demonstrates a model for a portfolio that could lead to Instructional Design, Literature or Education in Art. There are some articles that I wrote on Flash, HTMl and Michael Shrage, and more to come. I taught French with Colorado Online Learning for two years. Now I write articles for the and My name on is digidi. Would like to teach or do instructional design this winter!!

As an Instructional Designer, I develop courseware with Webct, Ecollege, HTML, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Captivate, Designer's Edge and Flash Please see curriculum design and development for Canyons at