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Future Star
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Wednesday, 23 November 2005

Mood:  lazy
Topic: School&cleaning
school is very boring to alot of people.Especially me at times.When my teacher is talking I am just thinking,okay so when are you gonna be done? I am really bored sometimes,really interseted at times and really sleepy at times.Who wants to wake up early in the morning just to sit in a classroom all day,eating lunch,having recess,and sitting back down again and having to have a pass for everything.Booooo! I am happy to be at school,when I want to be.But right now I dont want to have a 4 day weekend.Then I have to clean.1 of my worst things as hobbies,but in a way it is good.Now I know all the techniques for keeping a clean house.But for now,I am trying to avoid it.So I hope I do.If I dont clean my room,no allowance.So I better get going!

Posted by art3/crazy4music at 4:50 PM CST
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Sunday, 20 November 2005

Mood:  energetic
Topic: Future Star
I am the future star of america.I will be a great respected person,who has many talents,and will grow more as I grow.I love singing,drawing,trting on highly fashionable clothes.So that pretty much sets all of my wants to be.I want to be a model,singer,artist, and because I like to do voices of movie stars and cartoon characters,Really well,I would also like to be an actress.I love to do many things,but I intend to make alot of money,so all the people who ridiculed me on my dreams and the way I intend to make it happen,In your faces! Ha Ha! I will be awesome! So look out america,Jamese is comin' at cha!

Posted by art3/crazy4music at 4:16 PM CST
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Saturday, 19 November 2005

Mood:  lazy
Topic: Boys
Dont waste your time on boys.All they do is make you want to scream.And pull out your hair out.It all depends on what their personality is.But seriously,dont waste your time in boys.Waste it on education.And school.Maybe when you are older and wiser on who you choose then you could do alittle time waste.But come on,they arent that special to get your grades down.Thaink about it,You are steady thinking abotu what you are gonna say to him and all this other stuff,and you miss out on the whole lesson.Next thing you know surprise you got a quiz right after that.F! I dont think you want to waste your time doing that,and getting bad grades.So dont waste time on them!Simple.

Posted by art3/crazy4music at 2:16 PM CST
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Mood:  caffeinated
Life is a privelige from god and a gift to family and friends.We dont think about it much,but it should come often.We all are interested in high tech stuff now to busy in our lives to think about it.No one thinks about it though because no one cares anymore.But only acouple people do.I think about it because I wouldnt be here if god hadnt put me here.You wouldnt be here if god hadnt put you here.How his son died for our sins.How we are supposed to praise him,church or no church.He was there for us.So not everything you believe in is true,and everybody is on your side for who you praise or love.So watch out.They could be right in front of you.

Posted by art3/crazy4music at 2:05 PM CST
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Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Life
Hello I am Jamese,creater of Jamese4life and I wanted to tell younalittle something about life.It can be surprising,hurtful,needy,pesky,and many other adjectives.But in all it is want an education,it gives you an education.You need food,shelter,or anything else it gives you that.I am trying to become a poet so if you want poetry come visit my site again soon!

Posted by art3/crazy4music at 1:48 PM CST
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