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updated 7th April 2005

Award-Winning designer websites b-eXtreme Design was formed by Bill & Nick Kimber in late 1997 with the intention of simply designing and building a series
of high profile, commercial, media websites for our own businesses. However by the time this was completed b-eXtreme had received a number of external requests
for our services and began to build a small number of premium sites for other companies.

Shortly after it's launch b-eXtreme added TV/Film-quality animation, special effects and a post-production service to it's growing portfolio.

In early 2001, when new technology finally made it possible, b-eXtreme began supplying small, simple 3D animated sequences for broadcasting over the web. As recording techniques, compression tools and web speeds have become more efficient over the last few years b-eXtreme has been able to expand on this concept, providing virtual presenters to a few key media websites and hopes to roll this service out to cover TV programming and media events very soon.

Our prolific website design team continues to break new ground with each website it produces and today b-eXtreme regularly provides the funding, manpower and skill base required to make great concepts become reality.

If you have a concept for TV, Film, Video or Internet which you think b-eXtreme may be able to help you with, email a brief summary to Nick Kimber at:

and you will get a response within 1 week of receipt, sooner if possible. If you are concerned about disclosing details of your concept please request a copy of our non-disclosure policy and procedures document by email.